(Archive) Advertising District / Taboo
09-October 11
leonidas Offline
I love this, why hold on to the boring categorization of rides, paths and scenery,
while for many of us it's all about the atmosphere and overall feeling.
Some people are not searching for technical theme-park design, but for personal
atmospherical experience of theme-parks or your environment in general.
I love the way you introduce aesthetics without direct logic, while it does
have a logic within its canvas. You accept it, and it looks balanced.
I'm following this. -
Cocoa Offline
I like the way the gray really works at setting atmosphere, and the way it contrasts with the colors around it. -
ivo Offline
@Xtrem97: You mean on the trucks on the right haha. Yeah...
@liampie: You always seem to find out what inspires me. Janus, Wicksteed, pindakaas...
@leonidas: Thanks so much for your reaction! Have you ever tried reviewing art as profession? You should try it.
- - - -
Wicksteed Offline
Oh, what an honour.
The bigger screen makes me think of Escher. I like it alot.
Waht is going on with the name of the Train in the last screen?!
And who is pindakaas? -
leonidas Offline
Again, interesting work!
You're heading towards a very conceptual way of working,
which doesn't have to be bad, but always keep your public
in mind. "What do I want to communicate, make them feel
or experience whatever." Don't think we can make the
connections you're having in your head.
This works with the "That colour is ugly - train", But some
people might not know what NSB means, or read "Blac" as "Black"
(is that how you intended it?).
In short, if the image can't speak for itself, involve the context
as part of your product.
BTW, I'm already thinking of studying Art-Philosophy, after I finished
my study for art-teacher. -
ivo Offline
No, thank you for those lovely parks!
I can see that the screen makes you think of Escher. In some points it seems to get lose of all dimensions.
The name is just a little error in the game. But there is a mechanic walking next to it so it probally going to get fixed.
Pindakaas is not a person. It is an elegant substance. It is a hype in the Netherlands for decades. You should search it up
You are very right about your statement that the public can't make all the connections I make. But it has some history why I am now working this way.
- perhaps it doesn't surprise you - I am studying an art academy in Den Bosch (although I am currently in a sabbatial year) One of the main problems was which came to surface that when I tried to make anything of relevance I crawled back in my thoughts. Before I put anything on paper I already made so many impossibilities in my head that nothing good came out. So that is why I tried it the other way around. Doing more work and experiment on the canvas. That is pretty much the same for rct now.
Owh wait that has nothing to with it
You know those academy's aren't well known for there "open to public" work. But I can tell you that I support them becasue it can bring the work to a higher level. No boundaries yeah!
As for a more concret reaction:
I think NSB means something different thank you think aswell. Although I like the other meaning having that WII discussion here.
That Black/blac thing was an error of rct. I have no idea why it turned black there aswell. Although I can't say that I didn't liked it haha.
But in the next updates more will become clear... -
Wicksteed Offline
I already looked it up in the meantime. Now everything makes a lot more sense (in a way). -
ivo Offline
Grorudbanen 1/4 - NSB 1966
13,6 km | MX3000 | second | 8 times hour | 80000 | 195,8 m | 1974 | OS T1000 | Groruddalen | Oslo
| 16 | Vestli | Kollektivtransportproduksjon | 1,355 mm | 750 V DC | 195,8 m | hide | T1000 |
Ring line 5 | 2010 | 7 march 1987 | Oslo Commuter rail | 13,6 km |
MX3000 | second | 8 times hour | 80000 | 195,8 m | 1974 | OS T1000 |
Groruddalen | Oslo | 16 | Vestli | Kollektivtransportproduksjon | 1,355 mm | 750 V DC |
195,8 m | hide | T1000 | Ring line 5 | 2010 | 7 march 1987 | Oslo Commuter rail |
FredD Offline
This must be the weirdest RCT-shit I ever have seen... even weirder then Levis' work... -
Wicksteed Offline
You seem to be going into a more coherent direction. I like that, though I also enjoyed all the weirdness in the beginnign. -
Timothy Cross Offline
shining brightly; sparkling; glittering; lustrous: the brilliant lights of the city.
distinguished; illustrious: a brilliant performance by a young pianist.
having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.: a brilliant technician.
strong and clear in tone; vivid; bright: brilliant blues and greens; the brilliant sound of the trumpets.
splendid or magnificent: a brilliant social event.
Jewelry . a gem, especially a diamond, having any of several varieties of the brilliant cut.
Printing . a size of type about 3 1 / 2 -point.
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