(Archive) Advertising District / My First Big Project

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    So basically, I downoaded Louis!' 2011 Workbench and started building a park on there. The park hasn't yet got a name but i hope to think of one soon. I took a different building approch than usual (for me anyway) by making the main 5/6 coasters first (just the layouts). The park is in it's very early stages, and I have so far created only a very very small themed area.

  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    I have recently completed a very small area of the park with a horror/spooky theme to it. I call the area Mystic Falls. I consists of a Stand-Up Twister Coaster with Rverese-Inlcine-Shuttle mode and a river-rapids adventure.

    I don't know how to upload pics however can somebody help?
  • Cena%s's Photo
    sign up at photobucket.com, upload your images, and select the image web name and put that between [ i m g ] *link here* [ / i m g ] (without the spaces, ofcourse)
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Thanks Cena

    EDIT: I tried this but it says that I'm not allowed to use this image extension
  • Cole%s's Photo
    try imgur.com
  • Cena%s's Photo
    You need to rename your images, because .BMP isn't allowed. Change it with MS paint to .png or .jpg, then upload them to your photobucket.
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    I'll leave a link to a public Album on PhotoBucket

    EDIT: Photobucket Album

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: 03.JPG
  • mardy%s's Photo
    I kinda like that! But you do should do something about your supportwork
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    At Photobucket, just scroll over the thumbnail of your image and a dropdown will appear. Click on "IMG code" and it'll copy it...all you have to do then is paste it into your post.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    That looks pretty awesome. I'd expand the rapids though, it's quite short now.
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Mardy - Yeah, i'm not good with supports, so i'll change them as i progress through the park
    Kong - Thanks I'll try that now
    Liampe - I want to expand them but i think they look quite cosy there
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Here are some photo's of what will hopefully be the park's main attraction: A pair of non-inverting duelling B&M Dive Machines. It will be themed aroud a medieval Castle. The Castle will be the building over the first sequence of twists after the first vertical drop. I also hope to have a Moat with a drawbridge which guest cross to get to the ride.

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: X05.JPG
    • Attached Image: X03.JPG
    • Attached Image: X04.JPG
    • Attached Image: X01.JPG
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Here are two more coasters: A Woody called American Eagle and a Foorless Coaster which currently has no name.

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: X09.JPG
    • Attached Image: X10.JPG
    • Attached Image: X11.JPG
    • Attached Image: X12.JPG
    • Attached Image: X13.JPG
    • Attached Image: X14.JPG
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    I like the idea but usually dive machine's don't have that big a drop, The peep's face's would peel off lol :) remind's me of the duelling dive coaster' in rct1 expansion's.
  • Xtreme97%s's Photo
    Here are a few more coasters: a green Giga Coaster called Toxic and a Flying Coaster which currently has no name. I honestly think that the Flying Coaster is really rubbish, mainly to the fact that i can't make pretzel loops because my 8cars is crap :(

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: X15.JPG
    • Attached Image: X16.JPG
    • Attached Image: X17.JPG
    • Attached Image: X18.JPG
    • Attached Image: X19.JPG
    • Attached Image: X20.JPG
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    I don't want to critisize you to much because im new & starting out, But when you do screen's without a bit of scenery it's hard for people to picture it fitting in to a area, If you have a idea try & paint a picture of what your going to do with it rather than people just seeing a big pile of steel:)
  • mardy%s's Photo
    One question: how long did it take to build those rollercoasters ?
    You posted them all in one day...
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    The layouts are really bad, man. And, not like bad-ass bad....bad as in you could name every one of them "Spaghetti" and it would fit.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo

    The layouts are really bad, man. And, not like bad-ass bad....bad as in you could name every one of them "Spaghetti" and it would fit.

    A bit harsh but i agree, when it' just like a pile of steel it just look's like a bad bolognese lol
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    that first screen was pretty good. I'd say make it a giant inverted boomerang and you will have a winner. as for the layouts, well, everybody has weak spots :p


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