Related Games / No Limits
23-March 11
SupraSix Offline
Nice to see a NoLimits topic here on NE. Pacificoaster I like the layout mostly it just has too many turns and not enough hills. If you were going for a mini I305 than I guess that would work. Also I hope you're going to change those colors because even though I like the track color, the gray supports and a white train are very bland. It also might be the white enviroment.
As for my NoLimits creations follow the link in my signature. -
MorganFan Offline
It's more Expedition Ge-Force-esque, than Skyrush...
I would say bring the exit of the first overbank and second turn down to make the second airtime hill [seem] larger. Nevermind. Ignore that last sentence.
I like the colors and scale you've chosen.
On a side note, is this just a general NL thread, or is this a project thread by Pacificoaster? I might show some o' my own shit. -
Pacificoaster Offline
Phatage, I agree the layout could use more airtime hills but this is really just me dipping my toes into No Limits so you can possibly expect more from me in the future.
SupraSix, you are really talented man. I have been downloading your stuff for a while now. Keep it up bud.
This can become a No Limits project advertisement topic for the entire community. Since this site is meant strictly for RCT I don't think we should open up an entire forum thread for No Limits (leave that to NLE). So everybody feel free to post your work here. -
Phatage Offline
That ending is really pretty, very Talon reminiscent. I would prefer more bite on the cobra roll's banking transition to make it more of an Alpengeist/Raptor cobra roll rather than a Silver Bullet one.
My only officially-completed NL track would be this if you don't count the NLification of Project Soar. That's not to say I haven't been looking more into FVD/Newton though and hopefully NL2 coming out can give the whole community a boost of motivation to build again. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
What is limits of which you all speak? This isn't the future of RCT is it, cause it looks very..mathematic...
FK -
Ling Offline
You really don't know what NoLimits is? Here's the main website, and here's the development site (they're working on NL2.0 currently). It's just vertex-based design. You can use FVD programs like Newton though (which I prefer), which do require some cognitive effort in regards to the forces. -
Louis! Offline
See i've been trying all day to get my head around Newton and I just cant do it. I mean I've made a station, lift hill and pre-drop all fine, but trying to make a curved drop i'm finding impossible, when that's one of the easiest things to do in NL :/ -
Pacificoaster Offline
Supra Six or Ling might be a more reliable source of information but I know that Newton2 usually keeps your segments with auto speed settings. What you need to do is go into the simulator and see how fast your coaster is going at the end of the pre drop and manually put that into your next segment. As for curved drops, I would begin with a multi-zone force and you may need to mess with the laterals a bit to achieve that initially dive.
Just watch you tube tutorials and practice a bit and I am sure you can create something nice Louis. -
Louis! Offline
I've been watching the tutorials, watched all of them, but I can't get my head around the twisted drop.
I think more than anything it's because rather than creating a layout to better my skills at first and playing around with it, i'm trying to build a specific layout straight away and getting frustrated because I can't get it to work. -
Pacificoaster Offline
Just like with quality work in RCT, making something nice and smooth with NL/Newton2 takes loads of practice. -
Louis! Offline
It's bloody frustrating, but then I always used to find NL frustrating before I got used to it. I love the idea of NL, it's like coaster perfection, especially with 3ds, but RCT is just so so so much easier haha. -
A.S.Coasters Offline
It's hard to explain how to do things in Newton, but just mess around with multi-zome force segments and layering laterals/normal force/banking. Eventually you'll get it, just takes time to get the hang of. -
Louis! Offline
I've managed to create the twisted drop I desired, but it's so unsmooth. I honestly think I can get better results building without Newton :/ -
Phatage Offline
I think the best way to get used to FVD is to create something simple, say like a hill, and then add one nuance to it and see how that affects the ride element. Say you have that hill and you add a constant 30 degree banking to the entire thing (setting it as an initial setting and not having any banking transitions during the element). It should be fairly intuitive with that situation, so to make things more complicated you can now add a banking transition and see what happens. Even the most complicated elements are based on the superposition of smaller ones' g-force profiles, and once you get the hang of it, FVD and especially working with them through Newton is a brilliant way to display this. -
Ling Offline
I didn't really get into semi-decent work until I started stringing huge Multi-Zone Force sections together. It definitely is easier to start out with something with a straight drop and flat turns, though, since you can use curved segments, set the speed to auto, and adjust the roll while looking at the force fins on the track. I always run into issues with the friction coefficients though, as by the end of my ride I'm usually getting red G's where, in Newton, I should be at +/- 1 or 2.
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