Related Games / No Limits
23-March 11
Pacificoaster Offline
I have made a couple of videos from coasters i have created.
Hijack - Scream Machines Design (2006):
Maverick - Scream Machines Design (2006):
Escapade - No Limits/Newton2 (2011):
Enjoy -
Roomie Offline
Just watched Escapade. Nice design although the lack of traditional airtime hills would probably hurt it in real life. (Although GCI do all right without them). It also feels a bit forced towards the end. But for the most part it would be an excellent ride. -
Pacificoaster Offline
Escapade was my first no limits/ newton 2 creation. I would like to recreate hijack in NL to create a more realistic design. -
Pacificoaster Offline
I'd like to start a thread, not just for myself but, for the community to post what they have done or are doing in No Limits.
I have been working with Newton 2 a lot lately (which is probably why you haven't seen a Starpointe update in some time) and I believe I am starting to get the hang of it. I started a launched Intamin layout last night and this is where I'm at:
Feel free to provide feedback or share your designs with the community. -
Louis! Offline
Topics merged.
I have to say that I've never tried using Newton, I think it just makes things difficult. Much rather hand-build them, even if they don't come out 100% perfect.
Looks like you have a good layout coming along though. -
Pacificoaster Offline
Newton 2 takes some time to understand. Once you have a solid knowledge of physics and the program I'd say you could whip up a layout in just a few days. -
Louis! Offline
Which is the reason why I think its nicer to hand-build, you can't just 'whip up' a layout. -
Phatage Offline
I think it's good to whip up a general layout by either hand building or even RCT and then using Newton to make the final product. The guy who created Newton, Keith Cohn, was actually a big help for me in my senior project design and I can attest to how much easier Newton makes the process given how optimized Keith was able to make it. I really recommend using Newton for everybody even if you're not too technically inclined. Start with something easy like a hill, then progress to things like putting banked turns into that hill and other nuances; it really gives you an idea of what's going on with the ride. Newton is able to do these changes almost instantly too and has some great visualization features.
Pacificoaster, I'll get around to looking at your designs soon because I'm away from my own computer right now, but if you don't already visit NoLimits-Exchange (also the host for Newton), that's pretty much the NE of NL after Coastersims disappeared. -
Ling Offline
If you're not subscribed over at the NoLimits Exchange, you should be. Pretty solid stuff. I prefer Netwon2 myself as well. -
Version1 Offline
Nice layout!
I've never heard of Newton 2, based on the tutorials and a small test-track it seems to make things easier (I did'nt quite figured out how to make good turns yet, though) -
Pacificoaster Offline
The program actually takes a while to understand and master. I am still learning. This coaster will be my test subject. -
Mr. Coaster Offline
I hand-build, it seems easier to me, anyway I cant import newton 2 tracks into NLeditor due to my funky computer. Though what you're doing here looks mighty fine. -
MorganFan Offline
I too, handbuild. I use the I-Smooth method for pretty much everything. It seems to go well for me since I can't get Newton2 right. -
Phatage Offline
Looks good, I think it could use a couple of extra hills and/or a turn at the end though cause the smaller Intamins tend to use more individual maneuvers because each individual one doesn't use as much space/track, and there's prob some sort of making up for the lack of height with ride duration that they focus on too (just from observation). It looks like you'll have plenty of speed to spare at the end there while still ending the ride at a realistic Intamin speed. Also I would recommend changing most of that post-lift/first drop track to tri-rail or maybe even bi-rail with a boatton of supports.
Just a thought about the whole NL scene (as somebody mentioned NLE) in general, I think it's kind of dug itself into a hole and has become really realism-centric, not too different than NE for the most part too. Especially with something like Newton that optimizes the whole FVD philosophy into something that's adjustable in realtime, I think there's a whole lot of potential that isn't being tapped right now.
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