(Archive) Advertising District / Musket
19-June 11
Phatage Offline
I do appreciate the effort but I agree with Robbie pretty much. I think the issue is more that to accurately recreate wooden structures (any moreso than the usual LL means) requires RCT2 custom scenery. I think the last screen looks the best because the methods are much more subtle and blend in with the natural game. What exactly is that connecting the two diagonal track sections? -
Kumba Offline
I have come up with the following constructive criticism: Fuck you.there is nothing at all in these screens.
Kumba Offline
Yeah, well I don't like comments like that.
Tell you what tho, I invite you to do one of the guest cameos. See if you can make something out of nothing. -
Milo Offline
Darren, you're so melodramatic sometimes.
It's solid stuff. I like what you're doing with the foliage and supports but it seems like you could plan these battle scenes a little better. I'd like to see some actual fortifications, bunkers and mounded dirt as opposed to the scattered mine objects you've got there now. -
Fizzix Offline
I'm really interested to see where this one goes, but right now it doesn't stick out to me as anything super special. -
Dimi Offline
I have to disagree with pretty much everyone here. I love the second and third screen. I love how fuzzy and overdetailed they are, I love the supports, I love the colours, the foliage, the details. I think this is exactly how a LL woodie should look. I hope you will execute the architecture in the same noisy yet elegant style, without overusing codex and without sticking to the boring traditional way of building. Great job! -
Kumba Offline
Thanks Dimi.
@ Milo. Those are not battles. That will be on a much larger scale with a lot of the things you mentioned. All that is there now is a minor skirmish and a small supply post
Kumba Offline
Thanks for the bonus update MA, great to have you make a cameo on this
Anyways close to done with the haunted church ride, so here is a look. Just odds are I will make the track invisible or at least change the type.
Next update in a few days... -
musicman Offline
^there are no rules; only conventions.
Looks pretty awesome to me, but I'm not sure if white is the best color for the church, seems too bright compared to the rest of the screen. -
Phatage Offline
Having the queue wind through the woods, maybe through another cemetery even, could add more anticipation for the ride itself. I can just picture being able to barely see parts of the rides from the woods and even hear screams from its current riders as something that would excite me. I do like that the coaster is mostly obscured from the ride's outside portion by the trees even though that one turn is visible, but it kind of makes the coaster's train seem like a raging banshee out in the wilderness.
I think the church should look more menacing, even in a slightly cheesy way. If I'm going to an amusement park, I want to have fun while being scared and having the horror rides be slightly over-the-top add to the experience. With the building itself, maybe adding statues to the roof or facade would help. -
Kumba Offline
The exit goes through the woods, idk maybe I could swap it with the Q. The church is white because that was the trend back then, tho true I could have gone with gray or brown for a more haunted look, but I have used those colors a lot already.
Also the more I think about it the stained glass window is really half-assed. Need to try other colors and odds are I'll slant them and do a chris-cross pattern. -
tdub96 Offline
I actually really like the placement of the queue as is. I think the exit path is also placed well, so if it were my design, I wouldnt change a thing at the moment. -
Austin55 Offline
I want to like it, but to me that church just looks like an air plane hanger with a big cross and some stained glass. Maybe some dormers or something could help, idk I'm no good with LL... -
Liampie Online
- Church or tent?
- Stained glass looks stupid, as if a three years old picked the colours for you. I'd stick to one colour.
- Maybe replace the cross by an actual tower to make the whole thing look less like a white pudding on a stick. Because the churchs really looks like a pudding, other than a tent.
- I'd clear the front view of the church, so at least chop the yellowish tree on the right. A smoother transition between the dense forest and the bare queue would be welcome too however... The ideal solution is to expand the queue into the wood.
- With wooden coasters I don't mind it much if the track is on the ground... because the actual coaster track is a strip of steel which is still supported by lots of wood. The track Casimir refers to is basically part of the support structure.
- Fog on the graveyard may be fun... not sure if it'll work and if it's worth the effort.
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