RCT Discussion / How to make partially-realistic water slides people can actually ride

  • PianistLarryBlake%s's Photo
    This was something I wanted to capitalize on when designing my first waterpark - I wanted my guests to actually be able to ride the slides. This is really a beginners' tutorial, since I'm sure most advanced builders would have probably figured this out by now, but if you're new to this game, it might help a bit.

    Picture 1 (SCR32): Build the exit station first (at the bottom). You can't use block brakes with this design, so you'll need to make the station a little longer than usual if you want there to be multiple boats. Then make the lift and have it lead into the entrance station (again, make it a little longer).

    Picture 2 (SCR33): Use water tiles from Couger's Water Features - which seem able to mesh with anything - and place them over the exit platform (a possible benefit of the station is the brakes slow the boats down, so it's similar to landing in a pool). When done this way, the tiles look almost like they're covering part of the station, making it more pool-like in a way.

    Picture 3 (SCR34): This is the point where you design the slide your peeps will be riding. To make this part more realistic, don't use uphill slopes at all here - just stick to drops and curves. Afterwards, test the ride to make sure no crashes occur.

    When building the queue line, don't make the path ridiculously long (it's only 2 people per boat, after all), or your peeps will get annoyed from "queueing for [Name] for ages!" I recommend making it 15-20 at most.

    Picture 4 (SCR35): This is the point at which you can add your own scenery. It will only mean so much if it's all one gigantic tube, though, since your peeps won't be able to see much of it (case in point).

    Picture 5 (SCR36): Don't expect high ratings in these stats most of the time - I once got an Excitement of 8.3, but it's pretty rare. To achieve that, you'd most likely need a really huge drop at the end and a maximum speed of about 60mph.

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