RCT Discussion / NE geography

  • GigaG%s's Photo
    I'm Ohioan, if anybody wants to know for the purpose of this geography thing.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I would be very interested in an investigation into missing rct countries. I'm sure we could find gold out there... unless for some reason there is no rct in those countries for technical reasons, like they never made a french version or something.

    so the countries would be: france, italy, japan, china (although great firewall is a bit of a problem) and maybe a couple other small ones like south africa or new zealand (but they're less likely)
  • RCTER2%s's Photo
    I have found a park from a chinese guy called "Govis".
    Posted Image
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  • FredD%s's Photo

    I think he meant that this is a primarily English speaking site and that the language barrier is what prevents French players from frequenting it.

    Yes, that was what I meant.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Very cool RCTER2. Never seen RCT2 in Chinese before.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Place: Hassia, Germany
    Population: 6083000 (2011)
    Prominent RCT-players: posix, Casimir, ?
    Sum Accolades: 17 + 3 + ?
    Sum Points:
    Accolades per 1000 inhabitants:
    Points per 1000 inhabitants:
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    i think the cities of nate, kumba and roomie will end up high anyway.

    on the other hand, roomies location changes all the time and i bet there aren't many players on open sea :p
  • Levis%s's Photo

    Timvis is in Enschede as well? Is he on NE, anyway? :p Doesn't matter for the stats though, he won't have many points. ;)

    Coasterboy (believe he is called like that) lives here also. not active anymore in the rct community but he was in the past in the dutch community. He just finnished a internship at vekoma.
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    Sorry for this pretty late bump, but is anyone from around the Madison/Milwaukee area of Wisconsin? Chicago would count, too, I suppose, it's only a hop, skip, and a jump away.
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Funny, I was in Brookfield with an exchange program 3 years ago =D
  • thorpedo%s's Photo

    Funny, I was in Brookfield with an exchange program 3 years ago =D

    I'm sorry ;) I always considered Brookfield as belonging to a chasm of Wisconsin with which I'll never associate myself, namely Waukesha County. Although my three of my roommates AND my boyfriend are from Brookfield, as well as many of my friends, so I guess I can't complain.

    Also funny, three years ago, I was in Hildesheim with an exchange program. Funny how that works, eh?
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    And you still have that German flag up there? ;P
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    Ha I wish I could keep it in the U.S! I'm pretty sure it just recognizes your location and goes off of that?

    Wohne seit 10 Wochen in Berlin, mache hier ein Praktikum beim ZDF.. leider ist Freitag mein letzter Tag, dann geht's wieder ab in die USA :(
  • Camcorder22%s's Photo
    Not sure how the ranking by region thing was supposed to work out, but if I'm counted in either South Florida (Kumba, In: Cities) or Southern California (Pacificoaster, AvanineCommuter, Kong, countless retired players I believe), both those would be ranked pretty highly :p
  • JJ%s's Photo
    I swear I'm the only person from the South West, well at least that I know of? and it's not like I even play, my region so under-represented, I guess most of them are out in the fields farming 8)

    Most UK Players seem to be from the East or up North :p
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    If I'm counted as an American then me and That Guy both would be in Kansas City.

    But I reckon I would be counted as Australia by now, especially as I've probably released more/better things since I've been here. In which case Goliath is also from Sydney (I believe) and there's another person too who I can't remember.
  • Turtle%s's Photo

    I swear I'm the only person from the South West, well at least that I know of? and it's not like I even play, my region so under-represented, I guess most of them are out in the fields farming 8)

    Most UK Players seem to be from the East or up North :p

    I'm from Bournemouth, that's pretty South, and a little West! Where are you from?
  • trav%s's Photo
    ^He's from somewhere in Devon I think.

    I'm originally from Leeds, and I know Marshy was from here too. Then SSSammy isn't too far away in Preston, and Louis/Airtime in Mansfield aren't too far either.
  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo
    I'm no longer in Socal anymore. Moving to NY for the next ~3 years.

    And being the francophile that I am, I really do wish there were more french players that frequent this site!
  • trav%s's Photo
    I'm half French if that counts?


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