(Archive) Advertising District / Glaubensunwilligkeit
15-January 11
tdub96 Offline
Wow. Its awesome Dimi, stuff like this really inspires me to dust of my LL disc. Really good stuff here, man. -
Austin55 Offline
It looks like something Nin would make if he had LL. Really awesome stuff, love the spiral staricase. -
Dimi Offline
Thanks for the comments!
SSSammy: no problem man, I hope you'll like it when it's finished.
posix: there's a banner limit? How much can you build on a map?
pierrot: of course you can use it, I think you've proven that you're a lot more creative with this game than me
Totem und Tabu is the park's wooden coaster, located next to the parking lot.
As you see there's a missing wooden fence on the station. For some reason I can't build one there. If anyone has an idea why, please tell me. Next update will follow soon. -
RMM Offline
beautiful screens. I'd suggest trying to add some foliage near the queue line of the carousel to break up the brown path a bit. maybe just some flowers and bushes. -
Liampie Offline
I adore the first screen, great colours and atmosphere. Second is potentially just as good, but RMM is right about the path and I think the grey roof can use a warmer darker colour as well.
I could never have thought that your LL could compete with your RCT2 skills... <3 -
nin Offline
You make me want to play LL.
Someone earlier mentioned this is what my LL would look like? So so true. -
pierrot Offline
don't worry, codex's coloning can overcome banner limit!
I really love this. refined and beautiful, woody is awesome too.
I think you have a amazing potential of LL, cautiously.. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
100.very pretty. i think the banner limit was 50.
Truth.don't worry, codex's coloning can overcome banner limit!
Screens look good, but a bit too traditional for my tastes. I'm liking the mixture of trees and flowers you've got. It's got a novel texture and colour because you're using the trees that nobody ever uses. -
Cocoa Offline
your work is very atmospheric, especially those screens of the boomerang. I'm not such a big fan of your architecture though, it just has no flow and the details seem random and uninspired. -
Louis! Offline
The screens are really nice, your use of colour is great too. But as people have said, watch out for the banner limit, this is where codex comes in really handy.
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