Birthday Topic Forum / K0NG
05-December 10
K0NG Offline
Love me, hate me, use me and abuse me, shuck me-suck me-eat me raw. Celebrate the greatness that is me. Tell a friend about me (but only the good stuff). Ask questions that only I know the answer to. Admire me, despise me, worship me and call me master. Run me up the flagpole and get the fuck out the way before gravity takes it's toll on the both of us. Argue with me...then admit that it was all just a ruse so that we could kiss and make up. Cook me dinner and tell me about the cyanide later. Get me drunk and take advantage of me. Throw me over your shoulder like a continental soldier as your ears hang low. River me with that 5th spade with 2-7 hole cards. Admire my screens while simultaneously realizing that I'll never finish a fucking thing until hell freezes over. Pull my finger.....
But don't forget my motherfucking birthday....God only knows how many of these I got left in me. -
Cena Offline
'Ask questions that only I know the answer to.'
Okay, my question: When do you leave this forums?
Haha, just kidding, congratulations with your birthday, grandfather of RCT! -
Luketh Offline
Your selfish and uncaring attitude is an example for us all; we all aspire to be you, great ape of goodness! Bestow upon New Element your blessings on this day, the day of your birth so many years ago! We celebrate your godliness and good health master K0NG! HAIL!
Ok, I'm done with my sarcastic moment. Have a good one, Groucho. -
robbie92 Offline
Happy Birthday, dude. Go spend quality time with the wife and kids, get drunk, and play a lil' RCT, no matter what order! Here's to many more years of K0NG!
Splitvision Offline
^I'd say in the order you wrote em'. In sweden people retire at the age of 65, I hope we have a lot more than one year of RCT creations from you ahead of us. You bring attitude, humour and quality to this site. Have a great birthday you monkey.
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