(Archive) Advertising District / Elkhorn Lakes

  • LiveFree%s's Photo
    Decided I'd make a topic for this rather than crown the dump place. It's my first dive into RTC2 in over two years, and I'm rusty.. Nowhere near the caliber most of you are playing at, but I'll be happy to finish this park.
    Here's the overview so far:

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    My B&M Floorless, Skyline, Overview of the revised layout:

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    Station, not quite done.

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    Woodie, Rampage:

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    Entrance plaza:

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    Any feedback is appreciated. Like I said, it's been a long time, and I wasn't much good to start with, but I really enjoy the game, so I'd really like to improve.
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    I really hate the corkscrew at ground level coming before the loop at ground level on Skyline. Build the loop before the corkscrew Also, the brake run should be longer at the end of the ride. Honestly, it is a good park besides that, way better than my Mousetrap in the Dump.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo

    way better than my Mousetrap in the Dump.

    we don't need another guy that's self insulting with no confidence in his work. If you want compliments go practice rct2. And PRACTICE not just play blatantly with no thought put into what you build. Mousetrap was an improvement so it doesn't mean you're hopeless.

    Anyway the screen looks very nice except for the pink coaster and station. But that might just be me. The woodie also looks very nice. You have a lot done man it's really good! But add some what to 4 to more buildings in the entrance area. It's just a building, ferris wheel and all fence besides the path. Anything ranging from a pet care facility, first aid, information building, restaurants something a real park would have near the entrance. I know it might be annoying to build lots of buildings but it'll help out your park a lot.


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