(Archive) Advertising District / MCI at work
26-September 10
Luigi Offline
You are improving really quickly! I only think there are a tad too much of the hedges. Otherwise I really like it. -
Dotrobot Offline
You should exchange some of the trimmed bright green hedges for the dark hedge fences. I think they would look better in this case as well as adding some contrast. -
MCI Offline
Thanks guys!
I thought it would be time to show you a little overview of the area.
I started to theme the coaster and I added a "relax zone".
Austin55 Offline
Everything looks great but that layout is scaring me just a bit.http://www.rcdb.com/r.htm?ot=2&ml=6803 -
coasterfreak101 Offline
The area looks great. The coaster isn't overly realistic, and it certainly doesn't scream B&M, but so what? It looks fun, and hopefully runs well! -
nin Offline
NCSO with custom supports? Interesting. Ive considered doing something like that, nice way to mix up the norm. -
Luigi Offline
I agree with coasterfreak101 about the lay out. It really looks fun. The custom supports work well in this screen. -
MCI Offline
@suicidecarz: Thank you!
@austin55: Your right: the layout is not the typical B&M conservative "never try something new" Layout, but I´m not B&M. I thought about Airtime when I build this and I think I´ve got that pretty well...
@Coasterfreak101 & Luigi: Thanks guys! I wanted the Layout to be fun, not 100% realistic
@nin: thank you! I´m using them combined with NCSO since 2009. I´ve done some coasters with this combination on rct-world.com, but I never tried to make a whole park with them.
highroll3r Offline
This looks nice MCI! I really like the foilage although you could do with putting grass or mud under it. -
Luigi Offline
^Yeah, I agree. And perhaps you could try getting rid of the supports under the pirate ship. Don't know if it is possible with the woodstructures though. -
Liampie Offline
All sand --> grass.
Pirate ship = totally out of place in every possible way
Barrells = random and irrelevant -
Comet Offline
Why is the pirate ship out of place?
I do agree you should add some grass in there somewhere though -
Liampie Offline
- Because there it makes no sense to have such a big ship in such a small pond. They could've constructed the ship in the pond which makes no sense either.
- It's a lonely piece of theming in a large area, which makes it stick out in a bad way
- It's not very well visible, not even from the coaster.
- The left half of the screen is much denser than the right half
I just noticed something that appears to be a water spouting cannon. You couldn't have picked a worse spot for that. The view is blocked from virtually every angle!
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