(Archive) Advertising District / Welcome to The Masters Palette
29-August 10
Mama Bear Offline
Over 7 years in the making, four 128x128 canvases, 25 areas, 24 artists and 16 RCT Masters members.
The objective, though unusual, was simple: Pick an artist (painter, sculptor, architect etc.) of your liking and express your admiration RCT-wise!
The participating members were free to build just a ride, theme the area partly or theme it completely. When they decided to go for one of the first two, I completed the theming for them with respect for both the chosen artist’ and the member’s style.
I made 4 canvases, 128x128 each with the entrance in a corner so that when the four were combined the entrances connected in the centre.
Here you see the four entrances combined.
Three of the four give you already a slight indication of what you can expect on that canvas.
The fourth, actually the north entrance, doesn’t say much of what is on the canvas for the working title was: miscellaneous.
The south canvas had as working title: modern, the west canvas: classical and the east canvas: Impressionism, Fauvism and Surrealism (and the like. There were so many –isms in those days).
The canvases have only few custom items. There wasn’t that much in those days. The north and south only have some ¼ tile blocks and some roofs by Toon. The south also has two objects especially made for the project by The Judge and Toon!
The west and east were made somewhat later and they also have some early RCT-fun scenery( I made some sunflowers for the project, guess for which painter that was, lol) and a few things by Oppie and Couger.
I picked the project up when I became active again a few weeks back and it is now almost completed. Next to testing , naming, fine-tuning, etc., there’s just one area left to fill. I asked RCTNW if he would like to fill it, but he doesn’t have time, so if there is any other RCT Masters member (it doesn’t matter if you have left the club long ago as long as you have been a member) still active and would feel like it, let me know. Mind you though, you will only have a few weeks( like 2-3 max) since I really want to have this project released this time!! The area is on the south canvas and therefore has to be “modern” and there are very few custom objects so it will be a challenge!
If all else fails I’ll do it myself. I’m thinking about Frank Lloyd Wright but it will not be easy with the custom objects available.
Here they are. And yes, in the middle are the two objects made for The Judge’s contribution. Can you guess the artist?
In the coming days/weeks I will give info and screenshots of each canvas, one at a time.
Mama Bear
PS. The whole project is as peep-friendly as possible given the size of the canvases and the complexity. -
Brent Offline
YES! So excited to see this completed.... now all we need is the Masters Showcase to be done, lol. -
rK_ Offline
i thought i tripped back to rct2.com years ago with that screen, i cant wait to download this! -
Cena Offline
Well, I don't like the screens, because it is so different from what we usually see, I really need to see this ingame to experience it, because the screens are not giving me much enjoyness.
Respect for finishing 7 year old stuff though -
RRP Offline
Don't we already have those custom objects bar the terrible ones in the center? As for the screen it looks like old rct2 (which i despise). I have no idea how people got away with building so badly when rct2 came out, they'd had years of experience in LL yet made rct2 look so crap. -
J K Offline
It may be dated but I'm excited for the concept. I think MB's work has a nice charm to it. -
Ride6 Offline
While I have my doubts about how well this park has aged, it's always been a cool concept and it's already generated the legendary Escher Island from cBass.
If you need any help finishing up the other areas or maps I'd be happy to lend a hand to this. I hate seeing cool old projects die away just because no one is playing around with them anymore.
Ride6 -
Liampie Offline
I love how RCT Masters doesn't exist anymore but still has more frequent releases than RCT Majesty. -
Mama Bear Offline
Thanks for all the comments everyone!
Well, let's start with the North Canvas.This is the miscellaneous map. I tried to make the entrance a bit neutral. Simple black and white with some classical elements, so that it would go with both modern and classical styles.
The artists:
Grant Wood by rwadams
Charles Neal by Mick Diebold (aka Mickbw51, aka MickMaximus)
Emily Carr by ToonTowner (aka Toon)
Pablo Picasso by Mike Robbins
Georges Seurat by Batman Fan
And a tribute to the RCT Masters:
The Masters Mountain by Mama Bear
Grant Wood by rwadams
Rog picked “American Gothic” as his main painting.
American Gothic
Here you see the station area of his duelling moebius coaster “American Gothic'
Here another part of the coaster. Between the tracks you see “Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” (launched freefall) And at the foreground Little Chapel Chancelade (space rings).
Little Chapel Chancelade
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
More soon!
Mama Bear -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Batman Fan? Just how old is this park? I know that guy hasn't touched the game in like 5 years. -
Jaguar Offline
Party like it's 2004. Those screens look very basic, but very classic, these are always my favorite parks.
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