Blaze Battle / BBT-R2 - K0NG vs rk_
18-July 10
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on over the weekend. Most votes after then wins. If there is a tie the vote will stay open until another vote is cast.
Also remember:
- No posting until BOTH battles are posted. Feedback can wait till after both are up and if it is posted before then it will be deleted.
- Battles must be between 15-20 lines long. No more, no less.
- Voting will start once both battles are posted.
- Winner moves on to the finals.
Deadline to post battles is Friday July 23th at 11:59 PM EST.
Failure to post prior to the deadline will result in disqualification from the tournament.
Good luck. -
rK_ Offline
this bitch is too scared to post first, i guess ill give you some materiel to base your weak ass verse...,
your about to be face down in your last meal like your infamouse scene in 7
your a 40 somthing year old fuck up who couldn't run with faith even if he was a reverend
how you going to make this lyrical legend your bitch?, this ol' ladies facing her demise
you wont see me showing up to her 9-5 showing her how to SUPERSIZE! the fries
this fat bitch couldnt step her game up if i a put a staircase on the side of a basket
she must be forgetting Kong dies at the end of the movie, so let me go ahead an bury this bastard
ill break this retirement home residents only bone hip and proceed to place this dead waste in a hurst
we could fist fight on top the sears tower and she couldnt beat me to death if i threw her off first
your a failure at your own life, go post that on your myspace and proceed to update your twitter
take this shit serious? your about to make me die laughing like John Ritter
i know your a little retarded, your 0-2 against me now, i been keeping the score kid
fresh out the oven delivering you another loss, free of charge, now go lay in the cut like neosporin
you couldnt bring this rhyming tower down with lyrics even with the aid of three 747s
i told your wife to put good use to your life insurance policy and gave her my number if she had any questions
this domestic violence vet couldn't hallucinate a W against me watching half baked and huffing ether
my lyrical skill got the right to bare arms, he only does this in his trailer rocking a wife beater
you see im an agent when it comes to giving free losses an collecting nothing but victories
someone put this man, this myth, this non legend to rest in the books because little bitch just became history
K0NG Offline
Dude, with the persistent verbal sparring I've been subject to over the course of the past week, I had neither the time nor the desire to attempt to put any of it to verse. I'd apologize for not giving you a battle....but right about now, I honestly couldn't care less. -
Dark_Horse Offline
I really hope you could up with something K0NG. rK_'s thing had a pretty bad flow IMO and the whole k0ng/movie/ape thing was overdone when we had the actual season. -
K0NG Offline
Yeah...people need to realize that it wasn't actually ME in those flicks. But, whatever...I have enough on my plate right about now with the re-emergence of another fictional movie character that just won't shut up. I think I'll just stick to actually playing the game for now. Besides, metal has always been my forte' anyway. -
Fisch Offline
Lol so both of rK_'s opponents forfeited. Sucks for him but maybe it's just that people are scared.
And K0NG I understand how this is not very important to people but I think that there's something wrong with your general attitude towards contests on this website. It's okay if there are more important things in your life than this and you'd rather do other stuff than battling on NE but this honestly doesn't take much time and it's getting pretty annoying for everybody I'd say that things like this, your battle against Kumba last time, and the H2H final happen everytime you enter a contest. -
rK_ Offline
thos best part of his bullshit was how he was talking shit a week ago, an couldnt even spend "15 minutes" to write a verse, yet was posting in other BB topics hours before the deadline.
and that excuse was lamer then what i was expecting to get, your just fail after fail on this site... -
Dark_Horse Offline
Looked back at K0Ng vs. Luketh matchup, and found this from K0NGSo I'm glad I didn't spend more than 10 minutes rhyming whatever came to my head after getting a reminder from Kumba
K0NG Offline
Ok...fuck. Fisch, first of all I only got involved in this because Kumba PM'd and asked me to since I'd been in the last one. And I wasn't, in any way 'scared' of rK_..I thought I gave him a pretty good battle last time around. And with all the stale shit he threw out, I'm sure I would have done the same this time. I just had no desire this last week to set even 5 seconds aside to try to rhyme shit to hate on someone that I have nothing against while I'm dealing with the re-emergence of Wolfman and all the fucking drama that comes with him. And, I'll remind anyone that cares to bring up H2H5 that I didn't quit....I had an error trapper that came up EVERY TIME I tried to build on the park. And no one available to help fix the issue.
UQFTB? I sent an entry....I'm still pissed that it, for some reason (and, I'm not saying it was any kind of conspiracy to add to the "K0NG never finishes anything" legend..but, WTF, huh?) wasn't received. The Kumba shit from last time? He wrote about my daughters being under the desk, giving me head....which he apologized for...but being the father of two teenage daughters, I thought that crossed the line between having some fun and getting personal about my family. You'll, hopefully, understand that when you have children of your own.
And rK_ dude, you need to stop worrying about me and start concentrating on YOUR little girl.
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