Ask the Experts / Park contains invalid data

  • postit%s's Photo
    Whenever I've had this problem in the past, I would just need to try to open the park a different way (start RCT2 from scratch, and load from the home screen as opposed to double clicking on the file on the desktop).

    Today I saved a park I was working on right before my computer crashed. When I rebooted the computer to check to see where I had left off, I got a park contains invalid data message. I've tried downloading parkdat, after reading a few topics on here, but I can't get parkdat to work to check the park. I'm getting a message, "msvcrtd.dll not found," which I don't understand at all. Also, I've tried loading the most recent version of the park in the scenario editor and the scenario editor rejects it with the 'park contains invalid data' message.

    I saw in looking up information that there is a .sv6 fixer? Can anyone link me to that because the original download appeared to be on rct-guide. Or does anyone have any suggestions for repairing the file another way? I do have a backup, but obviously it's not as up-to-date as I would like to have.

    Any help would be great. Thanks
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I'm afraid it wont be recoverable cause data is lost. but we could see. send the park to me and I will see if there is any thing recoverable.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I couldn't get it to work.
    to bad :( it seems to much data is lost.

    if someone else want to have a shot at it be my guest.
  • postit%s's Photo

    I couldn't get it to work.
    to bad :( it seems to much data is lost.

    if someone else want to have a shot at it be my guest.

    Thanks for trying, Levis.

    I've already started the painful process of rebuilding the stuff that I lost. What a demoralizing process!

    Now I save every three minutes under a new file name and back up to my external every time I stop playing. I was always so careful, but I guess this is what happens when you run Windows XP on Boot Camp and RCT crashes frequently.
  • Insanity%s's Photo
    ^ dido man, that happened to me so many times i have like 6 different copies of every park! :SA:
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    ^Personally, I'd take that as a major hint for my ass. And WTF is 'dido'? Besides missing the 'l'.

    lol...I just read this after posting and realized that I mentioned "my ass" and "dido...missing the 'l'" in the same, short post. I find shit to be real funny when I'm buzzed so........have fun with it.
  • Maverick%s's Photo
    We already knew that about you K0NG ;)


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