RCT Discussion / Unofficial Quest for the Best

  • Splitvision%s's Photo

    Sorted. Ta Split, sorted it by myself just about, went for the other one, but thanks a lot man.

    Yeah I was suspecting there was several versions of it and I wasn's sure the one I found was the one that's usually used. I just looked it up in Parkdat and didn't view it in-game so it might have been a sucky version of it, I guess it's good you picked the one you wanted yourself :)
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    Can I be a reserve?
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    well, you can be. but there is no point.

    if people were to drop out now you have like about 2 days to build an entry. if anyone drops out after round 1 like in future rounds they wont be replaced because that would be completely unfair to those that worked hard to get into the future rounds.
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    Wow I just made about 25% on my entry in about 5 hours... I didn't know I could build that fast if I had to, lol. Sure some things will be rushed and would have turned out better if I didn't have to work after a deadline, but I think I'll have a 100% finished entry submitted before saturday midnight :eek: Never thought that.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Crap I don't think I can finish in time with my current entry.
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    me either man, but lets at least submit them for a fair matchup
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I will submit something decent, don't worry.
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    I really wish I had more time over this past month to work on this but I never got the time and that's why I had to drop out. It would've been fun to work on this, and it has actually given me inspiration to try some new stuff out.
  • Wanted%s's Photo
    Work resumes :D
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Well, the layout got a complete makeover, the custom supports are done and 50% of the theming. And all within 3 hours. I seem to be getting used to handle deadlines ;P
  • disneylandian192%s's Photo
    Well, I'll be away now from a computer for the next 5 days. I'll submit it with as far as I've gotten now. It gets less and less complete as you go out towards the map edges, but I don't mind. Nin my friend, you're screens are looking fantastic, and I'm sure the community will vote wisely.

    Edited by disneylandian192, 01 July 2010 - 09:14 PM.

  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    well, you can be. but there is no point.

    if people were to drop out now you have like about 2 days to build an entry. if anyone drops out after round 1 like in future rounds they wont be replaced because that would be completely unfair to those that worked hard to get into the future rounds.

    ah well, I still would like to have that position as I havn't competed in rct in a long time.
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    This might be one of the best things ive ever made.....but there aren't that many things i have made, and even less of them are the best....

  • Maverick%s's Photo
    I've honestly been working on stuff a bit just in case of last minute drop outs. I don't see why he can't reserve as well.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Ok....when exactly is the deadline? I've built myself into a corner that I know I won't be able to finish so I figure I'll be building until the very last minute.

    Don't...for a second....think that I'm making an excuse for anything. Whatever blanks I have to fill in before the deadline will have nothing to do with what's already there. I just want it all to at least look like it's finished.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Well I'm back on track and am pretty sure I'll be able to finish. I hope things don't seem too rushed though.
  • RCTCA%s's Photo


    ..had to finish it. Since I'm leaving tomorrow and not returning 'till next Tuesday.

    Edited by RCTCA, 02 July 2010 - 02:20 AM.

  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    Park Sent, plz let me know you got it
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    just sent mine in.
    nowhere near as finished as i wanted it to be, but oh well.

    oh, and i dont know how to permenantly remove the game supports.
    so upon viewing, kindly click the invisible supports option
  • nin%s's Photo

    Ok....when exactly is the deadline?

    ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SENT IN TO QFTBunofficial@gmail.com BY SUNDAY 4TH JULY 00:01 [GMT]


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