(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Louis' RCT Supermarket

  • Louis!%s's Photo
    As LL is my main game now and I havent touched RCT2 for months, I have many projects that wont ever get finished and projects that I dont want to finish and other stuff that has been laying around for a good few years. So it's time to get them off my hands.

    To start off we have our cheap and cheerful 'Bargain Bucket' filled with crappy items not even worth touching:

    Apocalypse Wow
    Posted Image
    Just something I messed around with a while ago

    Happy Happy Joy Land [JapanAP]
    Posted Image
    Started a long time ago this was going to be a park based on the funny amusement parks in Japan. Kind of like Liampie's project, but better because mine was first :p

    Next is our 'Bottom of the Shelf' range full of useless bits & bobs that could be salvaged:

    Posted Image
    A layout kind of inspired by Nemesis, again it was made a while back.

    Project Richard of York [PRY]
    Posted Image
    The old solo that became Emperor & Chimei

    Disney's Magic Kingdom
    Posted Image
    Was to be the follow up park to Walt Disney Studios

    Moving onto our fabulous selection of 'Reduced to Clear' items featuring some quality goods that are maybe just a bit tired or have slight problems:

    Aberystwyth Gardens & Amusement Park [AGAP] - TAKEN
    Posted Image
    I started to attempt to get this finished a few months back and was going well, but it seems to be plagued with a mass of bugs. Major blackholes and other random crap happens when clearancing for too long.

    Great Adventures [GAdv]
    Posted Image
    Was to be an attempt at a timeline park with yearly released. First year never finished :p based on SFGAdv.

    State Fair
    Posted Image
    Funnily enough this layout actually was developed before the new Intamin Giga style. The layout was based on what would happen if Intamin did a larger version of their Mega-lite. And it turned out they did, which was pretty cool.

    And finally we come to our 'Behind the Counter' items. Unfortunately at the moment these goods can only be viewed, however if an item of this magnificent collection of produce takes your fancy you may approach the store manager with an offer to take it off our hands:

    Posted Image
    Duo with Olly (Airtime). The whole track design was made by me if you check out my photobucket albums there are some sketches in there. Everything in this is done by me, except for a lot of the track work which was done by Olly and tweaked by me. As I said it was all based on my F1 track design.

    Walt Disney Studios [WDS]
    Posted Image
    My baby (well my first baby). Everyone should know what this is. Doesn't really need explaining, take a look, i'm pretty damn proud of this and features my best work. If you want to take this and build on it please PM me as this is something I really love and want the best for it.

    Willard's Greater America [MGA] - TAKEN
    Posted Image
    My second baby :p I dont really want to let this go as when I look at it I long to work on it further, but dont have the time and will power. So if you really want to build on this and it will go somewhere then like WDS, PM me as I love this park.

    Below is the attachment to download all the files above.
    Bargain Bucket, Bottom of the Shelf & Reduced to Clear projects are all free to take and build on, just post in here if you are taking it.
    Behind the Counter projects are to view. If you really want to take these and build on them please PM me and we can sort something out :)

    Oh and leave any comments and thoughts below Happy shopping ;)

    Attached Files

  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    what the fuck louis apocalyps wow was a duo.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    ^something you never touched :p which kinda stopped it from being a duo.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    yeah, but...
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    feel free to take it sammy :p its all yours if you want it that bad :p
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    Do you think we could maybe have a word about WDS sometime? ^_^
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    Coetzle is once again, mine.
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    OMG, I love this, I hadnt realized how awesome you are :p Aberystwyth and willards are both freaking awesome. Please do some kind of small realistic RCT park !

    Oh and your layouts are great aswell.

    Edited by Austin55, 05 June 2010 - 02:43 PM.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Coetzle is once again, mine.

    As in you are taking it or that your saying it was our project? Because originally it was just mine, the layout is 100% mine and there isn't any of your work in this download :)
  • Nokia%s's Photo
    yeah in THIS download ;)
    i'm still working on mine :p
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    I know it's crap, but can I finish a few of them (Excluding Behind the Counter).

    If not, can I have some rights to work on MGA?

    Edited by GigaG, 05 June 2010 - 06:47 PM.

  • RMM%s's Photo
    i don't get rct2. why is it that every other park i download says i'm missing a DAT file/object/blahblahblah thing. i can only view certain parks of this download. i'll use PRY as an example. it gives me invalid object or missing DAT thing. can't remember exactly what it says. the object is JAG something. seems like every other park or so gives me this problem that i'm sure to 90% of you ain't even a problem.

    i just never truly gave rct2 a try. so i don't know a damn thing about it.
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    Yeah, your LL really is on a high level, so I get why you want to get rid of your rct2 stuff, also because rct2 really is more time consuming to build in with all those little scenery pieces..

    I would've really liked to see WDS get finished, but oh well..
    Going have a look later,

  • panther33%s's Photo
    Willards Greater America was the one I wanted, but it wasnt in the download.... Any chance you can send me it?
  • nin%s's Photo
    It's definitely in the download..
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    RMM.....I'm pretty sure that all of the 'objects' you are missing are custom rides that don't export.
    Here are the "JAG" files.....there are also Amazing Earls rides that begin with "AE" but, there are quite a few of 'em. If you post whatever files you find missing here, I'm sure either I or someone else would be happy to set you up with whatever you need.

    Attached File  JAGIGLT.DAT (1.73MB)
    downloads: 275
    Attached File  JAGIGLU.DAT (1.73MB)
    downloads: 317
    Attached File  JAGIGLT2.DAT (1.73MB)
    downloads: 292
    Attached File  JAGIGLUP.DAT (1.73MB)
    downloads: 336
    Attached File  JAGIGLUP2.DAT (2.69MB)
    downloads: 290
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    Hah, these were fun to go through.

    I don't really understand why the floorless/inverted dueller would go up that way. It makes much more sense to put the inverted track on top.. so that the riders are free to touch each other as they go up the lift hill. Might make that myself, actually! Hah.

    But then we get to the disney park. wow, I could never build something like this. The buildings, the theater, the inside hall with hollywood, the hot air balloon sign. All equally brilliant! Shame to see you let it go, to me it is much superior than anything you could possibly make in LL.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    I know it's crap, but can I finish a few of them (Excluding Behind the Counter).

    If not, can I have some rights to work on MGA?

    Read his story. 

    Louis, you can find a better builder for MGA then GigaG. I am going to check them out, did you made this topic after I asked for WDS 2 days ago ? 
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    i don't get rct2. why is it that every other park i download says i'm missing a DAT file/object/blahblahblah thing. i can only view certain parks of this download. i'll use PRY as an example. it gives me invalid object or missing DAT thing. can't remember exactly what it says. the object is JAG something. seems like every other park or so gives me this problem that i'm sure to 90% of you ain't even a problem.

    i just never truly gave rct2 a try. so i don't know a damn thing about it.

    Sorry about that, as K0NG said its just the rides that don't export, I didnt think I actually included many in these parks, obviously I was mistaken.

    Yeah, your LL really is on a high level, so I get why you want to get rid of your rct2 stuff, also because rct2 really is more time consuming to build in with all those little scenery pieces..

    I would've really liked to see WDS get finished, but oh well..
    Going have a look later,


    Yeah I would have really liked to finish WDS too but I just dont have the time or will-power and I'd rather actually admit that I cant build on it and offer it to the community than sit on it.
    Thanks about the LL. I just enjoy it more which hopefully shows through my LL work.

    Willards Greater America was the one I wanted, but it wasnt in the download.... Any chance you can send me it?

    It is in there. It's in the folder MGA as it was originally Mariott's Great America before the project changed slightly.

    RMM.....I'm pretty sure that all of the 'objects' you are missing are custom rides that don't export.
    Here are the "JAG" files.....there are also Amazing Earls rides that begin with "AE" but, there are quite a few of 'em. If you post whatever files you find missing here, I'm sure either I or someone else would be happy to set you up with whatever you need.

    Cheers K0NG :)

    Hah, these were fun to go through.

    I don't really understand why the floorless/inverted dueller would go up that way. It makes much more sense to put the inverted track on top.. so that the riders are free to touch each other as they go up the lift hill. Might make that myself, actually! Hah.

    But then we get to the disney park. wow, I could never build something like this. The buildings, the theater, the inside hall with hollywood, the hot air balloon sign. All equally brilliant! Shame to see you let it go, to me it is much superior than anything you could possibly make in LL.

    It was originally the concept that it was actually 1 track with a set of rails above and below (kinda like quad-track) but then developed into a different idea but kept the 'quad-rail lift'.

    Thanks, it means a lot coming from someone like you :) Whilst I agree with the fact that WDS is my best work and it will probably be superior to any of my LL I just can't commit to it and don't see myself committing to it. Thanks :)

    Read his story. 
    Louis, you can find a better builder for MGA then GigaG. I am going to check them out, did you made this topic after I asked for WDS 2 days ago ? 

    Haha! And no, I've been meaning to do this for a while, it just turned out you asked for it a few days before I was going to post it to NE.
  • Turtle%s's Photo
    Me and Steve were wanting to build a WDS park... Haven't spoken to him about it, but finishing yours would be a bloody great way of doing it, it seems to me? Steve? Louis?


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