Ask the Experts / Can not full install RCT2:time twister on windows vista

  • coach777%s's Photo
    recently I bought RCT2 again. I install with procedures of RCT2 main -> RCT2 WW -> RCT2 TT.
    there aren't any error messages while installation.
    but when I enter the game. I can't play any TT senarios. I can see the "wacky world" little words on the upleft side in the mainpage. But I don't see "time twister" words.
    I have re-installed for 3 times on Windows Vista. either 2 times on windows XP. All show the same results.

    Does anybody kind to help me solve this problem?
    I really want to play this game again.
    appreciate :)

  • jon%s's Photo
    It's because both TT and Vista are shit. Nah actually I have no idea, but if you're playing to build things to release here, most members here use only the main game so TT isn't necessary. If you're playing the scenarios then I have no idea.
  • GigaG%s's Photo
    Are you running RCTModified? TT never runs on that.
  • coach777%s's Photo

    It's because both TT and Vista are shit. Nah actually I have no idea, but if you're playing to build things to release here, most members here use only the main game so TT isn't necessary. If you're playing the scenarios then I have no idea.

    thanks for your advice...
    I need TT to be installed just because the park I ever made was built with tt objects.
    it's so sad....

    Are you running RCTModified? TT never runs on that.

    what is RCTModified? a trainer?
    I didn't use any trainer.
    don't you have the same problem?
    Does anyone run TT under VISTA?

  • Levis%s's Photo
    don't know for sure if it says TT on the start up. do you see any TT scenarios?
  • coach777%s's Photo

    don't know for sure if it says TT on the start up. do you see any TT scenarios?

    I can see TT senarios.
    But i can't play them, the game will show "need TT add-ON".
    It's so ridiculous I am clicking an add-on TT senario. :mad:

    there arn't TT words on the start up screen.
    I think it's the main problem.....
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I remember once installing TT somewhere and it didn't work either also.
    I believe it had something to do with an object which didn't install correctly but I dont know for sure anymore.
    best thing to try I think it reïnstall tt and click run as administrator if you click the install.
  • coach777%s's Photo

    I remember once installing TT somewhere and it didn't work either also.
    I believe it had something to do with an object which didn't install correctly but I dont know for sure anymore.
    best thing to try I think it reïnstall tt and click run as administrator if you click the install.

    Thank you.
    I reinstall tt as administrator, but it still don't work....sad....
    (Actually, i always log in as administrator. anyway, i tried it again... :'( )
  • posix%s's Photo
    where did you get tt?
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I dont mean with the administrator account.
    right click on the setup.exe and then click run as administrator. that gives the program more privelidges I believe. even if you are logged in as admin
  • posix%s's Photo
    i think that might be the very same as being logged in as admin already. i guess you are assuming a malfunctioning of the tt installer due to missing rights or vista incompatibility? to me that's a bit unlikely because i remember installing ww and tt several times under vista and win7 and never had problems.

    coach777, i assume you have a bad version of tt. or maybe is your rct2 in a different language than your tt? i know that for rct1, different languages are absolutely no problem but other games sometimes gave me language incompatibilities. could be that rct2 is like that.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I remember once installing TT under vista for someone and a file was missing. I was able to locate which file and restore it. but I dont know how I did it anymore. I believe it had something to do with the rights. cause vista has the program files folder under heavy watch. especially when UAC is enabled. running it as an admin gives you most rights.
  • JoeZia%s's Photo

    thanks for your advice...
    I need TT to be installed just because the park I ever made was built with tt objects.
    it's so sad....
    what is RCTModified? a trainer?
    I didn't use any trainer.
    don't you have the same problem?
    Does anyone run TT under VISTA?


    he knows that cause it didnt work for me on xp. right back at ya! :p
  • coach777%s's Photo
    In Taiwan, we sell official RCT2 3 in 1 pack.
    So I bought one again. Cuz the old RCT2 CD i bought before was disappeared.

    I'll try the aboved mentioned method to reinstall it.
    Hope it will work.

    thank you all.


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