RCT Discussion / RCT Pro
16-February 10
Dotrobot Offline
Goody Splitvision and austin55 ahead of me.
K0NG Offline
^Splitty's already a member. Also, when we're ready to recruit there will be a topic for prospective members to 'apply'. Some basic info and some examples of your work and it'll be up to club members to vote you in (or not). -
Liampie Offline
How's Expedition Everest? I thought it was nearing completion months ago...
Is there any significant activity in the club? -
prodigy Offline
I'm still there... you can count on me k0ng... oh and I can do a frontpage where we can advertise finished parks and give the possibility to download them there... just let me know, give me your icq-number and talk to me... -
BelgianGuy Offline
@liampie, I can't say anything about EE but we're just getting everything back together so we can start to get going again. and we'll need confirmed mebers^^ hinthint -
K0NG Offline
How's Expedition Everest? I thought it was nearing completion months ago...
Is there any significant activity in the club?
As far as I recall, EE became quite a clusterfuck and was going through significant changes the last time anyone had posted about it. And, if Cocoa wants to finish it...that's fine with me. It just won't be one of our club projects since he defected to the "bigger guys". Besides, I was kind of thinking that with all the member turnover we should probably just start fresh with projects. I left all the 'in progress' topics up for the time being, but if no one lays claim to anything, they'll all be deleted soon.
And Liam, there's significant activity, but ATM it's all about re-organizing everything and getting a fresh start to the club. -
Dotrobot Offline
Would 4 or 5 screens as an example be alright?
I don't have anywork that's upto my standards right now.
I had to abandon quite a few parks to get where I am now. -
Austin55 Offline
Goody Splitvision and austin55 ahead of me.
Hey think about it, Ive been a member here for a little over a year and Im only now considering joining a club, and Im not even very garunteed. Dont be afriad to wait for awhile... -
K0NG Offline
Well, here's how it's gonna go.
First, we're verifying current club members to make sure they're still serious about remaining. We're also getting rid of dead weight. Then, we'll contact people we have on our radar (some have already been contacted) to gauge their interest and lastly, we'll have a topic at RCTMilitia for anyone that's interested to apply for membership. RCTMilitia is going to be a bit tougher to get into than RCTPro was. So...if you're unknown and you want to join the Militia...you might want to get busy. -
BelgianGuy Offline
Well mainly we're looking for talented members who have a lot of potential but where they already have a certain level of expertise and such. so as for an example your a hardcore Cso player and can't use custom supports you won't be able to join I think...
Again it'll all be up to the members that are already in the club to decide but I think if we want a decent club we need quality and people who are motivated enough to commit to a project... -
turbin3 Offline
It might be the best, if we'd open a new topic, because it's a "new" club, too, and my first post is pretty old. -
Casimir Offline
RCT Militia as a club name / motto for something related to an amusement park game is bullshit. -
Comet Offline
Yeah, really
Pro was a lot better than Militia
Anyway, hopefully something actually comes of this -
Dark_Horse Offline
I might be interested in this, depending on how busy I get with school. It's getting kind of crazy for me right now. Also, another RCTM really? I think you could be more creative with the club name, but that's just me. -
Dixi Offline
The name means nothing.
It could be called cunty ham flaps, as long as the members are cool its all sweet baby.
All the RCT "clubs" down the years have had shite names anyway, RCT ULTIMATE, RCT MASTERS, RCT [WORD THAT MEANS WE HAVE l33t SKILLS]. Break the mould.
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