Related Games / Indiana Funland:After the Storm
06-January 10
fraroc Offline
@ Belgian Guy I am actually planning to start a story with another RCT3 park that I recently made (I spent over and HOUR fine tuning and theming it) But first I would like to potentally finish this park.
Hello and welcome to the 1989 season! The Rustler is now open and the peeps are piling in! I hope it becomes a big hit!
Avery Ross
A view of the front of the park!
Unfortunatly, It seems to me that not many people want to ride Rustler
However, the few that went on loved it!
Rattlesnake had a problem with the curved pneumatic brake before the lift and It was down this morning, It reopened around midday
Several coaster fans say that Venom is Indiana Funlands most Underrated coaster. It did have some of its thunder stolen when Rattlesnake opened, but its still popular with families!
Its a cryin shame that Rustler was not as succsesful as we predicted:( I just pray that this does not cause problems. -
verti Offline
@ Belgian Guy I am actually planning to start a story with another RCT3 park that I recently made (I spent over and HOUR fine tuning and theming it)
I've spend about 30 on one of mine and it's nowhere near being done. And that's a compact coaster layout.
Seriously, an hour is nothing. Start putting some actual time into building rather than into posting screenshots. -
Dark_Horse Offline
You're sort of getting better. Keep working at it, and the biggest thing is to listen to people's advice, and TRY IT. I finally have taken some advice from the criticism I got for Starbird, and implemented it in my own way. It usually is worth it to at least TRY others' advice. -
Lowenaldo Offline
I've spend about 30 on one of mine and it's nowhere near being done. And that's a compact coaster layout.
Seriously, an hour is nothing. Start putting some actual time into building rather than into posting screenshots.
Agreed -
BelgianGuy Offline
Hell I've put like what over 60-70hours in seaworld at this point and that's only the time building^^ I'm not even counting planning and such...
I suggest you really start making the effort and first learn to use CS cuz basically its not that hard once you're used to it.
and for once listen to D_H, nothing personal man but what you said is the truth, its sometimes hard to take advice when you personally like it but really we're all trying to help you get better, I think if the community makes the effort to give solid advice on how to improve your work its kind of insulting to not use or at least TRY it.
Just my thoughts... -
Goliath123 Online
Wow an hour, i take that long to make a bench
If i added up all time spent towards cyder hill it would be over 150 hours. -
BelgianGuy Offline
wow goliath you make benches fast...
I usually add as I go along^^
I think this just shows the difference in effort and maybe take a notion out of it Fraroc and I don't mean that in a bad way... -
BelgianGuy Offline
Do you have the NETon user made expansions? that really covers the basics for CS in rct3 so maybe check into that one and you'll have a lot of stuff to work with and use to your advantage... -
fraroc Offline
Hello Everybody, This is Kale Nelson, I manage the financial aspects of HAC's only amusment park Indiana Funland. However, today I bring you less than good tidings. The cash flow in the park has definatly seen better days and with the near economical failure that is Rustler, I'm not sure that HAC can hold this park on its own anymore, While the park is still open for the remainder of 1989, we are trying to advoid drastic measures like selling the park. One of the experiments that may or may not attract guests, vouchers for half price admission, a new TV commercial and a price cut on season passes. I hope that this fixes the problems that Indiana Funland may soon face, But I cannot make ANY promises. So many people love Indiana Funland and say that its ideal for a summer trip, so I really hope that these vouchers and advertising campaigns work.
I promise to keep you updated on this
Kale Nelson -
Jaguar Offline
Hell I've put like what over 60-70hours in seaworld at this point and that's only the time building^^ I'm not even counting planning and such...
I have put about at least 90 hours into my park, I lost about 15% of progress when my computer became infected and am still only 40% done. -
fraroc Offline
Hello everybody, Avery Ross here, It is with my deepest regret that I have decided to resign from my position as Park Manager, This is a difficult choice, seeing as Indiana Funland is not in the greatest shape, financially and the extra Ad campaigns dont seem to be working at all, I'm afraid, soon a sale would be inevitable, we seem to be losing money as we speak, I dont want to point fingers, but I belive there is a money conspiracy going on within HAC. We do not know who is responsible for the loss of cash. The park will still remain open for the 1989 season, but If somthing does not happen, 1989 could be the Indiana Funland's final chapter.
I apologize for any dissapointment
Avery ross -
Jaguar Offline
We do not know who is responsible for the loss of cash. The park will still remain open for the 1989 season, but If somthing does not happen, 1989 could be the Indiana Funland's final chapter.
I apologize for any dissapointment
Avery ross
Oh, sorry. -
MF72 Offline
Wait. You don't know why the park is losing money? Maybe the fact that you build a large coaster every 2 or 3 years? -
fraroc Offline
The end of Indiana Funland?
Before I give you the sad tidings, I will show you a brief retrospective of HAC's Indiana Funland.
Circa 1974, ground broke on what was planned to be the largest amusement park in the entire state of Indiana. Hammond Amusement Corps. was going to be the owners of the park. Memorial Day 1975, Indiana Funland was open for business, It was a tiny park with a monster sized John Allen wooden roller coaster named Indiana Flyer. Indiana Flyer became an instant hit and the peeps poured in. HAC proposed a plan, a plan that involved three more roller coasters and several expansions. In 1979, the second roller coaster was built, this time, a steel looper coaster named Venom. Venom was built by Anton Schwartzkopf. In 1980, almost the entire path was repaved to a normal tarmac. In 1982, the first expansion was made, Birch Path included a Rotor ride, A Wave Swing ride and Speedway, a Go Cart track. In 1985, The biggest investment that the park made was put to good use, A third coaster was built. The massive Rattlesnake was built by Arrow Dynamics and It included 6 inversions. In 1986, A new expansion was made, State Street included the Buccaneer ride, and the Coaster Cafe. In 1987, the fourth roller coaster was built, Swinger was also built by Arrow Dynamics, What made Swinger unique was that It was the first coaster at Indiana Funland that hangs from underneath the track. And finally that brings us to the present when a wooden coaster named Rustler was built.
Because Rustler was not succsessful, the park did not get as much money as it should have been getting, HAC attempted to boost park popularity by boosting advertising, Unfortunatly it diddnt work. And It left the park worse off than ever, thats when things went from worse to horribly bad when mysterosly, a lot of money was lost. We later found out that there was a problem with HAC taking money that did not belong to them in order to save Indiana Funland, When news of this conspiracy reached the ears of Park Director Avery Ross, He became so disgusted with the company that he left and joined Premier Parks and is currently working in Lake George NY at a place called The Great Escape.
HAC Filed under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and immediatly and completly put Indiana Funland up for sale. It is July 18th and the park will remain open until October 1st. If there is no buyer, then the park will be demolished and the rides will be relocated to other parks around America.
Only time will determine Indiana Funlands Fate.............
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