Related Games / Indiana Funland:After the Storm
06-January 10
Jaguar Offline
Wait, now youre saying your park is run by a corporate military?
Nah, it isn't organized enough, you must be thinking of Disney. -
yocoaster Offline
EDIT: OK after looking at CD5's park, this is TOOOO similiar...I'm sorry but thaxx just how I feel about it...especially that Derech-OOP! I mean Indiana Flyer coaster... -
fraroc Offline
yocoaster:Indiana Flyer and Derecho were built by john allen and basically in the same time period.
Also, sorry for not keeping up, I promise once my computer is fixed I will continue work on this park. -
fraroc Offline
My computer is FIXED!!! And to celebrate, here is an update!! This is somthing I was working on before my drive ate my rct2 disk and I managed to apply the finishing touches when I got the PC back!
Welcome to Indiana Funland year 1989! The Rustler is here!
Rustler is an absolutley massive twisted wooden roller coaster built by the world-renowned Charels Dinn and Curtiss Summers. It reaches heights to about 164 feet and Its first drop is a towering 159 feet! This ride is an amazing experiance with large breathtaking drops, turns and twisting track elements! This roller coaster's design is based off of the Coney Island Cyclone! I originally requested Dinn Corperation to build a clone of the Crystal Beach Cylone, It was about to get the OK for construction and then they canned it because it would be too forceful and so we decided to build Rustler according to this plan. And without further adieu....
Here is the truly massive wooden roller coaster!
Tumbleweeds and Cacti were placed here to adhere to a western theme.
They say that the first drop will reach speeds up to 66mph! If its true, Rustler is the fastest roller coaster in Indiana Funland!
As you can see from this arial shot, It sure helps fill up an offbeat corner of the park!
We predict a HUGE hit for this coaster! I hope to see you soon
Avery Ross -
fraroc Offline
no, the overall figure 8 style design is SIMILAR to CycloneThe cyclone at astroland isn't 164 feet tall.
Dark_Horse Offline
There's no life to your screens. And your grammar/spelling is really weak. Oh, and I see like no resemblance to the Coney Island Cyclone. -
zburns999 Offline
How has nobody mentioned the hilarity of that logo yet? I don't think you could have picked a more serene picture.
But as for real comments, it doesn't really strike me as a Summers and Dinn woody. Their bigger rides (Mean Streak, Texas Giant, Hercules) were very drawn out with lots of shallow drops and long turns. This looks more like an Intamin pre-fab than anything else.
I don't know man. I'd really love to see you get better at this game and start showing higher-level screens, but to be honest you seem more interested in your CD5 style of advertising than your parkmaking. And unfortunately neither are improving. Nobody's really gonna care about extensive advertising for something that's unappealing. I know you've heard it a thousand times by now, but I think maybe you should slow down and rethink what you're doing. When you post a screen, ask yourself if it's really your best work, or if it is an accurate representation of what you were attempting to accomplish. If not, then try again. Keep at it. -
verti Offline
After looking through CD5's thread, I finally thought RCT3 could look good.
Then you came and buttraped that idea. Seriously, put some time into the presentation of what you have. And by that, I don't mean you should post more pictures, but that you should polish area's before showing them off. -
fraroc Offline
I'm want to build other parks in rct3, but I would start with a medium sized park instead of nothing. And also, Mean streak, Texas Giant, and Hercules are Rustler's "sister coasters" Also, I'm still trying to work with scenery with this park and also once more complex steel coasters come into the park, I should have improved.How has nobody mentioned the hilarity of that logo yet? I don't think you could have picked a more serene picture.
But as for real comments, it doesn't really strike me as a Summers and Dinn woody. Their bigger rides (Mean Streak, Texas Giant, Hercules) were very drawn out with lots of shallow drops and long turns. This looks more like an Intamin pre-fab than anything else.
I don't know man. I'd really love to see you get better at this game and start showing higher-level screens, but to be honest you seem more interested in your CD5 style of advertising than your parkmaking. And unfortunately neither are improving. Nobody's really gonna care about extensive advertising for something that's unappealing. I know you've heard it a thousand times by now, but I think maybe you should slow down and rethink what you're doing. When you post a screen, ask yourself if it's really your best work, or if it is an accurate representation of what you were attempting to accomplish. If not, then try again. Keep at it. -
Dark_Horse Offline
Try this and this for help in creating realistic Dinn/Summers coasters.
Your next to last post is just confusing. You would start with a medium size park instead of nothing? I'd say scratch this or put it on hold, and build a small non-timeline oriented family park. Second, why are coasters that don't even resemble that thing, it's "sister coasters?" If you were going for a Cyclone layout, then Georgia Cyclone, Psyclone, Cyclone, etc. should be it;s sister coasters, not MS, TG or Hercules. Lastly, what do more complex steel coasters have to do with you're ability/inability to improve? -
yocoaster Offline
@fraroc OMG dood these guys are DOGGIN' you! LOL
But on a real note, I have to agree with these other people, alot of work needs to be done! I mean I'm no expert when it comes to buildings parks (esp. on RCT3) but Indiana Funland seems more appropriate for...hell I don't even know! You juxx need to work on alot...and this is a newbie saying this! -
Dotrobot Offline
I thought this was funland... You lied!!!
You either say yes to advice and ignore it or completely disregard what anyone says.. Then what's the point of advertising in the first place. Admit it, you only want compliments. A lot of people on here aren't gonna flatter you with bunch of bull comments. so either take their advice or stop posting. Seriously it's like you're a bad mannered 9 year old. I'd rather watch a first timer then a bad builder with an attitude. -
inVersed Offline
Why did you have to go and shit on the name of Sumners, one of my favorite coaster designers, like that. -
BelgianGuy Offline
I bet a lot of people have said this but maybe the message didn't ring through...
Download a few CS packs, do some research on rcdb not in the topic of CD5, practise with a more design style building with first just theming a coaster or heck even a decent flat-ride and then expand your ambitions to a larger scale because a time-line park like this? Sorry but at this point it looks like it took you 5min to build and take a pic. How can you improve if you don't try to improve and remain to build the same stuff while a lot of people who actually know what they're talking about give you great advice but you simply won't listen...
If I where you I'd shut this project down, start a new project after you've done a good amount of research and try to build something decent with actually putting effort in theming a ride and doing some landscaping and trying to achieve some aesthetically pleasing foliage.
And to top this off and say I'm just being harsch and stuff I'll build an RCT3 design to prove it isn't very hard to make something that looks better than this.
Expect something in 3D from me in september....
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