Related Games / Indiana Funland:After the Storm
06-January 10
SSSammy Offline
Happy Memorial day everybody! and as a special treat from me to everybody of NeDesigns. I am now releasing my FIRST DOWNLOAD of the Hammond Amusment's Corps park, Indiana Funland! This download will contain the 1985 brochure, a list of coaster stats and of course, Indiana Funland's DAT file! Just think of it as a ticket or a season pass to this park! -
fraroc Offline
This attraction is still being built, all will be revealed when construction is over.
Avery Ross -
fraroc Offline
Welcome everybody! the SWINGER has arrived!
This truly remarkable roller coaster is an Arrow Development Suspended roller coaster! The only of its kind in the entire state of Indiana! This ride, not only is it going to attract thrill seekers, It should also attract families! This may be a tame ride at first but their are some points of great intensity! This should also become the flagship attraction of the entire State Street area.
Avery Ross
Swinger's Station
The layout of the ride has many twists and turns!
Adrenaline Junkies will love this, but Swinger will be the "First large coaster" of many children.
Also, the area also has a manmade lake in it!
One of the more intense sections of the ride.
This ride should also remind some people of the now defunct "Bat" At Kings Island.
We simply cannot wait until this ride and the whole park opens!
(Creator's Notes): Swinger is based off of real life arrow suspendeds such as Bat, Iron Dragon, and Hayabusa. -
fraroc Offline
Hello Everyone, It is now the 1987 season and the Swinger is now open! We predict that the Swinger will be a big hit for both adrenaline junkies and families!
Avery Ross
This is Swinger and... you gotta be kidding me, this ride has been open only 6 days and Its already malfunctoning??
Thankfully, It was only a small problem with the dispatch switch and a new circut board was put in place in a jiffy.
The peeps couldnt wait until the ride was up and running again!
suprisingly at only 42 mph, this is the fastest the ride goes. It sure feels faster!
A pretty good skyline is beginning to form over Indiana Funland!
See you soon!! -
Dark_Horse Offline
You're improving nicely, fraroc. I really like that pre-lift swoop on Swinger. I have a few suggestions though. Try to vary the landscape, even just a little. Add some hills here and there. Also, Try to thinking about sing placement. Would a real park put a sign where you have yours? Are peeps gonna be able to see the sign? How does the sign fit in with the queue line/station/ride? Just some things to thing about. -
fraroc Offline
Exfuckingscuse me? Who the fuck do you think you ARE? I am trying to create an RCT3 park for enjoyment and fun. And you can just STAY OUT OF MY WAY!no offense, but why do you bother advertising this project over here?
Austin55 Offline
Dear god...
If your going to act like an ass toward us, never listen to our advice, showing way to many screens which wont even load the page for me, and I doubt hardly anyone cares. Look, you could be good, but your insisting you dont want to be. were not going to feed you bullcrap like "oh that looks nice" because it doesnt.
We all start out bad and get better, and I garuntee noone gets better at anything telling people to stay out of there ways. I was bad when I started to, and I still am not that great at it, but I have improved because I took people advice and had a good attitude about it.
Im sorry dude, but really im trying to help you. -
RCTCA Offline
Dear god...
If your going to act like an ass toward us, never listen to our advice, showing way to many screens which wont even load the page for me, and I doubt hardly anyone cares. Look, you could be good, but your insisting you dont want to be. were not going to feed you bullcrap like "oh that looks nice" because it doesnt.
We all start out bad and get better, and I garuntee noone gets better at anything telling people to stay out of there ways. I was bad when I started to, and I still am not that great at it, but I have improved because I took people advice and had a good attitude about it.
Im sorry dude, but really im trying to help you.
Agreed. -
fraroc Offline
Welcome to Indiana funland's 1988 season! We cannnot wait to show you what is going on at this park right now!
Avery Ross
Great shot of the back rides
Wow, this area is in shambles compared to how pristine the park looks
both sides of the path is fenced off and the land is cleared, It looks like somthing big
These do look like peices of lumber, perhaps supports?
And What do you think THIS is??
Also, Whirler got the much needed maintence and a paintjob, it is now known as the Big Squid. -
fraroc Offline
Its MY project and this is the ADVERTISING DISTRICT. GET IT?Why is this thread still open? It defeats the entire point of these forums.
verti Offline
But they're not your forums, is what I mean.
You're not taking any criticism, some of which is really, really helpful; you only seem to want your ego patted. If I posted subpar quality screens, and I'd get similar feedback, I'd be freaking happy.. -
fraroc Offline
You know I try to make this park good. I go to ACTUAL parks for influence, (Went to CP a couple of days ago, got a LOT of inspiration!) -
Dark_Horse Offline
If you TRY to make this park look good, why don't you listen to the advice people have been giving you? I'm just curious...Your park could look a lot nicer if you had a more detailed plan, not just build off inspiration from coaster layouts. As I suggested before, take a look here for inspiration. One thing I have been told many times is to take a picture from real life and try to emulate as best as can in RCT. You should try doing this also, and you will improve. -
zburns999 Offline
You know I try to make this park good. I go to ACTUAL parks for influence, (Went to CP a couple of days ago, got a LOT of inspiration!)
lol, you act like you were on a strictly-business trip to Cedar Point to get inspiration for this park. -
Liampie Offline
Ok. I don't mind you ignoring the criticism, because in the end it's your park. But there's nothing here that justifies your hostile attitude. So calm down and consider if 'advertising' here is worth the effort. I honestly doubt if there are (m)any people but you here who really enjoy this park... -
fraroc Offline
Somehow I think you guys are right, a realistic timeline park is pretty difficult to do because Its difficult to incorperate all your adivce into a realistic park timeline. I'm going to contine Indiana Funland into the present, but I think that IF will be my first and last Timeline park for now.
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