Related Games / Indiana Funland:After the Storm
06-January 10
Phantasia Offline
Really? Must be those new invisible benches I hear so much about because I don't see a single one.
There are like 2 of em. Just taken from a bad angle...
Anyway, I'm calling it quits.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. -
T.N.T. Offline
There are like 2 of em. Just taken from a bad angle...
Anyway, I'm calling it quits.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Unless you're Chuck Norris.
Yeah, fraroc... if you're just going to deny any of the critiques/advice they're trying to give you, then all you'll get in return is just nasty posting. I mean, I use to have RCT3 and I found pretty cool ways around CS, but if you're trying to make a development story thing like Charleston Gardens (we all know, dude)... then try engaging the audience with something more than some mediocre screens and even worse story-telling.
If not, then just ignore whatever I said. -
fraroc Offline
Somthing big is coming to Indiana Funland, It is the result of the biggest investment this park has made! (Its up to your thought to guess what it is)
Avery Ross
Here is where it will be built, Its huge compared to the rest of the park
Its very prominent in a bird's eye view of the park. -
Alpengeistfan1 Offline
Once again, you don't have to do an update every day. If all you're going to show us is colored land, then don't bother posting it.Edited by Alpengeistfan1, 10 April 2010 - 08:24 AM.
LDW Offline
^True. Faroc, you may need to delete some of those trees at the very back. They look very weird all in a big huddle.Edited by LDW, 10 April 2010 - 03:11 PM.
fraroc Offline
Guys, I am really sorry for the total lack of updates! A lot has happened with life for me, school and regents exams and my grandfather's passingI promise as soon as I get my life back together. I will continue with the updates.
Dark_Horse Offline
Really, JDP? Have ya'll not learned from when gee went on his lockdown spree? Some of you (not just JDP) need to a) read what you post befroe you actually post it, andremember what it was like when you were trying to get your start here.
Louis! Offline
lol. to be fair, JDP has always been a bit of a dick. thats what makes him so awesome.
anyway, sorry to hear about your loss. -
JDP Offline
^I do but it's black.
Either way man, I'm only an ass to you because your work isn't original, and is basically a copied style layout of CD5's park.
Do what makes you you and be a bit more creative.
-JDP -
fraroc Offline
It's cunning, It's stealthy, and it can end your life in one bite.............
The Rattlesnake-New for 1985!
This brand new remarkable roller coaster is built by the world renowned Arrow Development. This massive roller coaster sports six inversions, adding to the Mega-Looper style of roller coaster by Arrow that is becoming increasingly popular in the theme park buisness.
The reason why us at Indiana Funland chose an Arrow Mega-Looper over another type of coaster is because of another roller coaster. The 5 year old Orient Express at Worlds of Fun gave us some ideas, we were actually tempted to ask Hunt-Midwest to relocate Orient Express to us for a considerable sum of money. But we decided to pull a Texas Cyclone and build our own design, Rattlesnake is considered to be bigger and meaner than Orient Express, and has more inversions.
It is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you enter Indiana Funland.
The area behind Speedway is completley fenced off while we work on the finishing touches.
A view behind the station.
Just like the Orient Express at Worlds Of Fun, Rattlesnake has a Batwing inversion.Edited by fraroc, 29 May 2010 - 08:39 AM.
Alpengeistfan1 Offline
Why is there an uphill turn before the lift hill? Won't the coaster just roll back into the station? -
Timothy Cross Offline
Rename a peep 'David Walsh' then press CTRL-U to remove the interface for screen shots. -
fraroc Offline
Alpengeist Fan: Some roller coasters actually have that. namley SooperDooperLooper at hershey park. In Rattlesnake's case, the train is guided by a curved pneumatic brake before the lift. -
Dark_Horse Offline
You seem to be getting slightly better, and it's good to see you have finally considering the advice of others. As for the uphill curve, I'm not sure it is common of Arrow coasters. SooperDooperLooper (which is a Schwarzkopf) has a slightly curved lift hill and uses fly/guidewheels.
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