Related Games / Indiana Funland:After the Storm
06-January 10
K0NG Offline
Good luck with your pc. I just went through the exact same thing and had to backup all data and reinstall Windows completely. It nails all your windows setup files so that it won't accept the recovery prompts from the repair program on the Windows disk either. The logon/logoff loop is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg here. -
fraroc Offline
Does that mean I Need to take out the hard drive and buy a new computer? If that's the case I want another xp computer! My uncle is a computer expert in mac and windows. He is going to check out the pc tommorrow.Good luck with your pc. I just went through the exact same thing and had to backup all data and reinstall Windows completely. It nails all your windows setup files so that it won't accept the recovery prompts from the repair program on the Windows disk either. The logon/logoff loop is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg here.
fraroc Offline
The pc is FIXED!!!
my uncle completley removed the infection and the boot CD fixed the problem! He says that he had seen this happen a lot, it can be caused by other things, but in my case, the XP security virus tampered with the regestry. -
fraroc Offline
Sorry for the wait guys, I was busy and couldnt even touch my RCT3 Disk.
Hello everybody! First of all, Im sorry I had not been keeping up the progress of the park. Im sure this new update will satisfy you.
Avery Ross
First of all, somthing looks diffrent in Indiana Funland! cant put my finger on it though.
The "courtyard" of the park still remains in a mosaic, but from this point forward the rest of the park will be in the tarmac.
We greatly apoligize for the lack of rides for the birth of a new decade. We had spent a nice sum of money on the new paths. Somehow, this season has been our best with attendance and ridership! Odd. -
Top Gun Offline
I would spend some more money and get rid of that tile footpath. If you just have to have that path, then try changing the footpath to the pavement and use the tile as "accents" to the footpath. -
fraroc Offline
Im so so sorry for the lack of updates. I havent been having a good time latley. I've been feeling super depressed latleyStress, school, EVERYTHING. I feel a little better now so dont worry.
Hello!! Its so nice to see you guys again. I am really sorry that there isnt any new rides yet, but we have plans.....
-Avery Ross
Evening falls on Indiana Funland
My first night shot, The rides have a hypnotic glow at night,
I gotta hurry! The park closes in an hour! Indiana Funland stays open until 11:00PM on weekends. Monday through Thursday the park closes at 9
Usually at 10:30, rides like Indiana Flyer close.
The exausted peeps head out now!
I took this photo an hour before the park opens at 9:30 -
K0NG Offline
Needs more lamps.
And benches and trash cans.
Can't afford any of that after paying landscapers to mow all that grass.and foliage and scenery
fraroc Offline
Hello! Somthing big is going on at Indiana Funland for next year! Here are some pictures of what has been happening!
Avery Ross
The entire end is fenced off!
Same on the end by the ferris wheel too!
Other than that, nothing much is really going on. Today, Indiana Flyer closed due to mechanical issues
Adbiding the laws of cause and effect, Venom's lines fill up rather quickly
Also, Im planning on doing somthing with this ugly thing. The Food and Toilet facilities will stay open, but the exteroir will change drastically. -
K0NG Offline
I think that's your reaction after downloading custom scenery. Or...everyone else's reaction to the recent 'fence' screens. -
AvanineCommuter Offline
I just spent 15 minutes reading through 9 pages of absolute hilarity instead of doing my paper for tomorrow. Thanks, Fraroc. -
AvanineCommuter Offline
you have a paper due on a sunday?
Yup, electronically submitted or turned into the T.A.'s box by 5 p.m. Sunday. Great huh?
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