Related Games / Indiana Funland:After the Storm
06-January 10
Welshcraft Offline
I agree with Kong as I dont like the mosaic path and I dont use them.I still don't like the mosaic tile laid out in the middle of a vast grassland like that. Tile, for one, would have to have some sort of concrete/asphalt foundation to be laid on and I'd think that they'd probably not go the extra mile to install tile over the foundation in a park of this caliber. But thet's just my realistic opinion.
inVersed Offline
You need to do something with the inside of the gift shop. At least cover up the grass in there -
fraroc Offline
No update for today
Imageshack is being retarded.
If they fix the problem, ill have an update by tommorrow -
Alpengeistfan1 Offline
Don't force yourself to have an update everyday, take your time and post something when you think it's your best work. -
fraroc Offline
Welcome to the fourth season of Indiana Funland, the crowds have been plenty this morning so I predict a bright future!
Avery Ross
The front plaza of the park has been teeming with people today
They all were rushing to get their first rides on Venom
Here are the lucky guests to ride the coaster for the first time!
We will have to see what they feel like when they come back! -
fraroc Offline
As already mentioned, PLEASE change that path.
You could be satisfied next update or mabye not, you will see soon. -
fraroc Offline
Hello! Happy new decade everybody! the eighties are finally here! only 20 more years until the new Millenium! We cannot wait to see what the future has in store. With a new decade, we have a new logo!Attached Files
Indiana_Funland_1980s_logo.JPG (65.76KB)
downloads: 28
Lowenaldo Offline
looks like he is looking forward to the future instead of the present.
Why dont you just start a park in 2000 so we dont have to view this shit, since its apperent you have no clue what an amusement park looks like let alone one in the 1980's. -
Alpengeistfan1 Offline
Either that or something from google.It looks like you took a Microsoft Clipart and put a text over it.
If you want a good logo, actually design something unique, not just taking pictures off the internet. -
FullMetal Offline
I think I'll make him a logo. Nothing much, but I'm sure he'll like it. Just 'cuz I feel like being a nice guy today.
But this park needs a lot more than what it has. It looks more like a second hand state fair than an actual amusement park. I understand that your trying to work under a theoretical budget, but every amusement park knows when to shift focus from coasters to amenities (except SFMM). Instead of building a coaster next year, or some other big ticket attraction, build some more buildings. -
K0NG Offline
Agreed.....and maybe a nice darkride to go inside one of those buildings to give the park some character. -
fraroc Offline
My pc was recently infected by a terrible virus. The virus was a false antispyware program called xpsecuritycenter. Popups up the f-cking ying yang appeared. False virus results appeared and I panicked and shut down the pc. when I turned the computer back on I logged on and it logged off all by itself! Tech support had concluded that my antivirus program removed the infected file which is the boot exe fileit can be fixed but I'm not sure when
So no update until further notcice
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