(Archive) Advertising District / Howling Hills Amusement Park
29-December 09
BelgianGuy Offline
Would they close the topic for this? I hope not because its my topic not theirs^^
Anyway, got a lot of stuff done today and yesterday and I've got some little stuff for you guys,
While the kids are rideing on the grand-carousel and the big brother is on Face/Off the parents can enjoy a nice little drink with a view over the water...
Enjoy your stay!Edited by BelgianGuy, 01 January 2010 - 06:42 PM.
Wolfman Offline
Yeah. It's wasted space. It's like slap a few windows and a door on it, along with a few tables, and some potted plants etc. and you have something like a secret bistro or something.I don't like that blank tan-brick wall.
nin Offline
I think you need to be a little more adventurous with your archy (shapes, textures, etc.)
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