Ask the Experts / Windowed mode for RCT2 [Windows 7]

  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Okay I have installed all of the necessary files, but when I click to run Rct it just sits there. All other programs work. Internet Explorer, 8cars, etc.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    Okay I have installed all of the necessary files, but when I click to run Rct it just sits there. All other programs work. Internet Explorer, 8cars, etc.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Did you installed RCT in the VM? You need to do that otherwise it wouldn't work, and can you post some print screens so that we can see what you are doing? 
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    As you can see I have Rct2 installed on the VM. When I double click the icon nothing happends. I have installed LL on the VM as well and it works perfectly.
  • Cena%s's Photo
    Hmm, that is pretty weird, already tried to re-install? 
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    No, I'll give that a try.

    Edit: I uninstalled and reinstalled but it still isnt working. Does it matter that I'm using the Triple Thrill Pack?

    Edited by Top Gun, 25 January 2010 - 06:10 PM.

  • Cena%s's Photo
    Well, that could mean something yes, try only to install RCT2, without TT /WW
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Nevermind. I think it was my disk, so I just installed a No-CD thing and now it works.

    Thanks a lot for your help Cena. =)
  • posix%s's Photo
    cena, it feels like you act omniscient when really you just don't know.

    to my experience, virtual machines are not designed to allow multimedia applications or anything directx related. therefore running games in them is not a good idea. even if they run, the responsiveness is likely to be poor. you can't tell me you enjoy playing like that.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    cena, it feels like you act omniscient when really you just don't know.

    to my experience, virtual machines are not designed to allow multimedia applications or anything directx related. therefore running games in them is not a good idea. even if they run, the responsiveness is likely to be poor. you can't tell me you enjoy playing like that.

    You are right there Posix, but when you have problems, and you need to fix it, you have to eliminate the possible issues that cause it, so that you have less things to worry about, that is why I said that. And playing in the VM with RCT2 goes fine for me, while my laptop specs aren't that spectacular.  Most of my building I do normal in W7, but some hacks (Winhack for example, doesn't work on x64 systems) I need to do in the VM, and that works perfectly.  
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    ZOMG. I'm all over this.


    EDIT: or it'll at least be worth trying. I seem to have rct2 working fairly well in windows 7 anyway...
  • Levis%s's Photo
    wait a minute ... you say you are using a x64 version. correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a x64 version has a build in virtual machine to run x86 applications? at least thats what I heard from my brother who is using a x64 version also. he had to install some thing in the program files 32 bit to run them. if so I think you have to install rct2 and winhack there and it should be able to run then.
  • Cena%s's Photo

    wait a minute ... you say you are using a x64 version. correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a x64 version has a build in virtual machine to run x86 applications? at least thats what I heard from my brother who is using a x64 version also. he had to install some thing in the program files 32 bit to run them. if so I think you have to install rct2 and winhack there and it should be able to run then.

    With most programs I don't have difficulties, only with Winhack, ah well, the vm works perfectly with that. 

    x64 systems, do have 2 maps with program files, could it be because I don't install my programs on the c? Because that disk is only 80 GB, which is small so I install my programs on my other disk, which is 500 GB, so therefore Winhack isn't in the x32 nor the x64 program files folder. Every other program just works fine from a different location then the program files folders. Hmm, weird it is tough, gonna check this myself :p 
  • posix%s's Photo
    ride6, all 32bit applications run natively on vista-64 and win7-64. so that goes for rct1 and rct2 as well. the only problem occurs with 16bit applications, which require a workaround. the aim here was to enable a windowed mode for rct2 by using a virtual machine.

    levis, you mean win7's "xp mode". microsoft officially calls it "Windows Virtual PC" http://en.wikipedia....dows_Virtual_PC

    i run it under win7 and it's very nice but although i haven't tried rct yet other games run very lacklustre and choppily. there are sound errors and as mentioned the responsiveness is bad. for those who want to try it nontheless:

    the usefulness of it for me is that you can use the installers of 16bit games, copy all the files to your "real" hd, reconstruct the registry keys under the correct 64bit folders and run old games natively.
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Rct2 did work fine on Windows 7 for me. I just use the VM to run 8cars as it does not work in Windows far as I know...

    Edited by Top Gun, 26 January 2010 - 08:03 AM.

  • Levis%s's Photo
    tried disabeling visual themes? (I guess that still is a compatability option in 7).
    mmm....seems my laptop is totally dead so I'm going to get a new one. then I can experiment with 7 also to see how it works.
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    Alright I did some experimenting and I think I have found a solution.

    Posted Image

    As you can see, I have Rct2 Compatibility set to Windows 98/ME and I have 8cars set to Windows 98/ME but with Disable Visual Themes selected. There may be other settings that work but this is what works best for me.

    Hope this helps.

    Edited by Top Gun, 26 January 2010 - 01:27 PM.

  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Raise/Lower still dont work.
    Moreover this settings are slowing down my whole pc. -.-
  • Top Gun%s's Photo
    ^I noticed that my PC slowed down whenever I had Rct running with no compatibility changes. Make sure you have 'Disable Visual Themes' selected only for 8cars and not for Rct2. Like I said there may be a better setting, but this is what works for me.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    I checked my settings again and maybe you want to try this:
    for the 8cars enable "disable desktop composition" instead of "disable visual themes".
    and you could try to use the XP SP3 mode instead of win98.
    maybe that will help.
  • Dotrobot%s's Photo
    How do I move all my RCT2 stuff on XP mode. As well as keeping it on windows.


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