Ask the Experts / Windowed mode for RCT2 [Windows 7]
24-December 09
Cena Offline
Hello members.
Merry Christmas first of all to you.
I wanted to share something tonight, because I found out something really cool today.
When you have Windows 7 (I don't know if Vista is supported too). It is very easy to let RCT2 run at Windows XP mode, normal this would be only possible with the Ultimate edition, but when you don't download the MS Virtualization software, but this: VMLite, and when you download the XP mode: Click.
When you installed both, then you are able, to run a virtual machine inside your normal OS.
Here are some screenshots:
#1 How the desktop of the virtualized XP - Mode looks like:
#2 You can choose any of the scenarios, or just your own savegame:
#3 8 cars, works without any trouble.
And the screen I just made ingame, here it is:
So, what do we have now?
a. No 8 cars errors anymore, because we are using Win XP, which has no trouble with 8cars.
b. We have got ourself a windowed RCT2 mode, which really is great, but it makes switching between RCT2 on the virtualize machine, and for example, google image search for inspiration much easier.
I hope the problems of Splitvision, Six Frags and Airtime are solved now with the 8cars thing, I haven't tried out everything, but this is what I found so far. If anyone wants more information, just ask it.
So, now, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year -
RCTNW Offline
Interesting. Trying it out as we speak. although I don't have an issue with Win7, the window mode could be very helpful. I'll let you know how it works our for me. Thanks -
RCTNW Offline
Cena - Couple of questions for you.
One - Is the mouse really sensative when in game? I want to move the map aorund using right mouse however it is really quick in it's moves. Can this be adjusted?
2 - do you still have to window out of RCT2 in order to use 8 cars like we do today with other OS's?
Will continue to play around with it.
Thanks -
Casimir Offline
This also works with every other OS, as long as you have a separate XP license.
Just download the free Virtual PC 07 application and setup a virtual machine. It really is THAT easy ^^
But thanks for the XP Mode hint, I've never even heard of it. Seems to be easier to handle than a normal virtual machine.
lemme answer those questions ^^
1. There should be no difference in sensitivity compared to the Windows7 environement.
2. Yes. Else, RCT would have to run in a windows within the window. Which is not possible. Just imagine the window with RCT in as a second fully-functional monitor running something else - within your physical monitor.Edited by Casimir, 24 December 2009 - 06:36 PM.
RCTNW Offline
^ Thanks and yes it was easy to set up.
1 - Strange. I guess I will just need to get used to it
2 - I figured as much. -
Cena Offline
This also works with every other OS, as long as you have a separate XP license.
Just download the free Virtual PC 07 application and setup a virtual machine. It really is THAT easy ^^
But thanks for the XP Mode hint, I've never even heard of it. Seems to be easier to handle than a normal virtual machine.
lemme answer those questions ^^
1. There should be no difference in sensitivity compared to the Windows7 environement.
2. Yes. Else, RCT would have to run in a windows within the window. Which is not possible. Just imagine the window with RCT in as a second fully-functional monitor running something else - within your physical monitor.
You are correct Casimir, it seems you know quite a bit too.
The main reason why I posted it is because of that topic of Splitvision here in Ask the Experts, since I now have Win 7 myself, I tried it out and this is the result.
2 - do you still have to window out of RCT2 in order to use 8 cars like we do today with other OS's?
Yes you still have to, but because you use a XP as a Virtual machine, it is easier to work around the issues that many users have with 8cars regarding the driver model of Vista and Windows 7.
@ Joezia, I don't think so with this way, maybe with an other Virtual machine you can do it, but use google for it. That is how I found this out.
Edited by Cena, 24 December 2009 - 06:59 PM.
Casimir Offline
Virtual PC 07 works on Windows XP as a host system.
You can even run a Virtual Windows 7 on XP ^^
I tried it with XP/Vista about a year ago.
I'd say I'm pretty experienced in anything hardware and windows related -
Splitvision Offline
Good find Cena, however since I'm only having issues with 8cars and not with RCT2, is this program useful for me? It seem a bit overkill to have a virtual XP running only for using 8cars... On the other hand, the windowed function is really nice, I could just aswell run RCT in there too. I'll give this a shot tomorrow, thanks for the effort Cena! -
Cena Offline
Yeah, the windowed mode is easy, and you can let 8cars run too inside the XP mode, that way, you don't have the Windows 7 ~ 8 Cars issues you have now. I don't say you have to use it, but you have a choice now
. If you need help, ask it here or pm me.
Six Frags Offline
It works like a charm, thanks..
It actually pretty much is a window mode for rct2, as switching between rct2 in the Virtual Machine and Windows 7 (with images for example on google image search) is very fast and easy to control with the 'drag and put against the border of screen feature' of W7.. 8cars works very fast and with no problems too..
James; It scrolls very fast too for me, when using the right mouse button to scroll.. The arrow keys just act normal, so you could use those to scroll.
SF -
Cena Offline
^Yea I tried doing that but it really slows me down. Thanks though
You will get used to it. I am using many shortkeys on my keyboard when I play RCT2, right hand on the mouse, left hand on the keyboard, which makes it really easy
@ Six Frags, nice to hear it works for you too.
@ Tolsimir, it isn't a really windowed mode, but it looks like it, which makes working in RCT2 a bit easier.
posix Offline
Is VMlite freeware?
I've tried this with VirtualBox a while ago but the responsiveness was not enough. -
Cena Offline
Is VMlite freeware?
I've tried this with VirtualBox a while ago but the responsiveness was not enough.
It is, only need to register at their website to download it, that is all. -
Levis Offline
well this was known for a while already.
personally I prever virtualbox from sun more ...
but the whole advantage of doing something windowed is so you dont have to alt tab to the trainer. but in this case you still need to do that, so whats the point? -
SSSammy Offline
looking at reference material like plans or pictures of supports/architecture etc.
its extremely useful. -
Cena Offline
well this was known for a while already
personally I prever virtualbox from sun more ...
but the whole advantage of doing something windowed is so you dont have to alt tab to the trainer. but in this case you still need to do that, so whats the point?
Did you even read my entire post? The problem was/is that 8cars doesn't work so good with windows 7, like Splitvision and Six Frags pointed out in the other topic in the Ask the experts. That is one thing which makes RCT on 7 a pain in the ass. The second:
What SSSammy said here, however, since you (Levis) are an fantasy builder I agree you don't use that. But some people here really like this feature, so I am happy I found it out/ shared it, for the benefit of others.looking at reference material like plans or pictures of supports/architecture etc.
its extremely useful. -
Airtime Offline
Ok so I've got this working (VMLite) and I've come to transfer some rct files over. I copied them to my exterior hard drive and I can't find it in VM. It's not in the usual place (My Computer) also my USB isn't found?Edited by Airtime, 31 December 2009 - 10:33 AM.
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