Blaze Battle / rk_ vs JDP
17-November 09
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on for two days. Most votes after then wins, or if it is even it will be a tie.
Also remember:
- No posting until both battles are posted. Feedback can wait till after both are up and if it is posted before then it will be deleted.
- Battles must be between 15-20 lines long. No more, no less.
- Voting will start once both battles are posted.
Good luck. -
rK_ Offline
look! its the wannabe white version of t pain
guess you got to do somthing to look cool with fake oakleys and an aluminum gold chain
your whole ego is lame, pat yourself on the back for knowing so much
your realism is more drab then that jag kids sense of humor, plain and simply it sucks
sorry to be so blatant but dudes like you talk so big but cant create shit
i can execute words better then you so your "life in a sentence" cant change this
wrap word play around you like AND 1 an ask you to circle my definition
ill eat you up like a fat kid who missed lunch running up into your kitchen
i got some ill flow so im washing away whatever verbal stains your spittin
destroy like a virus immune to the antidote an ravaging everything living
my punchlines get paid overtime like your mom working the window at BK
you serving me, ha, i dont even give tips to waiters these days
but a tip for you, call me barack, when im finished here you can keep the change
your styles so weak you can go ahead an tell Drake im ready start even with this sprain
sorry but i cant help you steal any more quotes for your sig an initial your name
after all how could winners like me dominate without loosers like you in the game. -
JDP Offline
i love how your spitting at me like ur in my range
bitch those oakleys are real, but to me are only pocket change
you dont show ur self on NE and why is that
my guess is that ur probably too embarrassed of being fat
but dont worry thats just me, i aint judgin u mister
ur probably so ugly not even mommy wont take ur picture
oh, let me guess i hurt ur feelings right
but seriously dont post a pic, i like my eye sight
you probably all fucked up lookin i dont even wanna see
you prob have a dunlap and piss on ur balls when u pee
u say you love under ground music but you dont even pay rent
its not called under ground only cuz u listen to it in ur moms basement
you style its pathetic and way too inconsistent
you need to get out more dog, you dont know what ur missin
you say u like rap but you just met ur undertaker
and your probably still the only guy from 03 here that aint a parkmaker
LLLL huh you still building in that
well with whats being produced u probably cant even hang with cats
i did this quick off the top of my head, like screaming yatzy
now how does it feel to be served by the roller coaster Nazi?
-JDPEdited by JDP, 22 November 2009 - 11:12 PM.
JDP Offline
My bad guys my computer got fucked up and i had to restart it when doing my verse. I was also too busy all week and the Eagles were on tonight... and won!
-JDP -
zodiac Offline
rK_'s posted a few pictures, actually. so that renders like 10 of your lines useless.
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