Blaze Battle / Kumba vs K0NG
17-November 09
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on for two days. Most votes after then wins, or if it is even it will be a tie.
Also remember:
- No posting until both battles are posted. Feedback can wait till after both are up and if it is posted before then it will be deleted.
- Battles must be between 15-20 lines long. No more, no less.
- Voting will start once both battles are posted.
Good luck. -
Kumba Offline
Somebody better call PETA, either that or enjoy and put on your Kumba appeal
No Tom-foolery, its just like animal cruelty, I got Donkey Kong over his own barrel
Witness Ape-rape because im the BIG K here, I even act kinda like Kanye West
So pound your chest, let out a primal yell and Throw some of your own shit
Would be smarter to do like you did in the H2H5 championship and forfeit
Not gona beat me, you failed before, I beat you down with my 1-week made road rally
Fuck the other side, first I traded you next I’ll leave Keli dead or dying in a Cali valley
Your like 48 years old, I bet you can’t shit right, lose weight, grow hair or even get it up
Yes Belmont was amazing, but all Gee let you do is take a dump and call it Bubba Gump
That was a little rude comparing your building on Belmont to shit, sorry, but I was high…
Weren’t you too when you decided to make your avatar a cross-dressing black guy?
And where’s your NE Parkmaker page? That’s right like RCT Militia it never existed
Your site failed and you even begged me to join the staff, an offer easily resisted
Worried about what your gona post? Hell no, but I guess I need to wait and see
Till then I’ll yell it like Denzel did in Training Day, “King Kong aint got shit on me!”
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