Blaze Battle / SSSammy vs rk_
10-November 09
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on for two days. Most votes after then wins, or if it is even it will be a tie.
Also remember:
- No posting until both battles are posted. Feedback can wait till after both are up and if it is posted before then it will be deleted.
- Battles must be between 15-20 lines long. No more, no less.
- Voting will start once both battles are posted.
Good luck. -
rK_ Offline
i need an extension, I'm not going to be home for a few hours, i was hoping this outing wasn't going to take all day...Edited by rK_, 14 November 2009 - 09:26 PM.
Kumba Offline
Yeah like half the raps have not been posted. I think we might need to make each week like 10 days, or even 2 weeks to make sure everyone has time to do a quality rap. My own is a few lines from done, will be up before the deadline, but I don't think we will DQ this week, just add time and hope that works. -
rK_ Offline
whats good blondie see you found ya feminine self a new hobby
i see me winning this battle and you with a L an thats more then probablly
man im a beast with this you say i need to stop haunting these weak emcees
go focus on your LL skills because your rap style got em all saying NEXT PLEASE
ill peel the crust of this dude just to show how bad bad acne can be
if i was starving i couldnt even eat this dude, my styles are more healthy
im rich with flow an your acting like your rhymes are wealthy
i could give this dude a pack of big red an a flame thrower an he still couldnt melt me
whos next in line, well my dude, lets see
oh, another amatuer with poor lines an bad flow who's looking to test me
ill test you grade schoolers an if you act up i pop you with more the rulers
no gun play, no ruger just dynamic insight from a winner to make you seem more of a looser
dont try to play cute because we all know you like to
you remind me of what happens to women once a month except your a white dude
but it does make sense i see how you couldn't even muster up a 14 line rhyme
it takes a little more skill than showing half ass screens in the dump place all the timeEdited by rK_, 15 November 2009 - 09:06 PM.
Kumba Offline
Pretty good. This means you win by DQ and since it is SSSammy's second DQ he is out of the contest. However, since you posed late you get the win, but no votes.
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