Blaze Battle / inVersed vs K0NG
10-November 09
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on for two days. Most votes after then wins, or if it is even it will be a tie.
Also remember:
- No posting until both battles are posted. Feedback can wait till after both are up and if it is posted before then it will be deleted.
- Battles must be between 15-20 lines long. No more, no less.
- Voting will start once both battles are posted.
Good luck. -
inVersed Offline
Ok, so its time to poach K0NG and make his species extinct
My flows the bomb like napalm and I don't even need to think
So bro sit back and relax while your boy drops some knowledge
Any of which could help you because you could never afford college
Seriously welcome to my arena, it's time for a mic bash
This season was going good until Kumba let in this white trash
My flow laps you like NASCAR, my disses leave you stalling
This games the empire state building, yet I'm at the top while your falling
I sometimes wonder why are you filled with such venom and rage
Because I'm not even 18, and make more than minimum wage?
Your one of those fat douches riding a Harley with your leather chaps on
I'm filling you up with disses like your rectum with your wife's strap on
I apologize if it seems like I'm trying to attack you
What are you gonna do about it- burn a cross? drink a beer? get a tattoo?
Whenever I see you on the threads your using your humor or bitchin
Not to mention your entire house could probably fit in my kitchen
But in all honesty, K0NG, I never could imagine how it feels
To live in a red-neck trailer park house, that rest upon four wheels
It's pretty much over, you could say that my mighty flow's done
I guess its okay if your K0NG but on the mic I'm Mighty Joe Young -
K0NG Offline
Bitch yer ryhmes got about as much muthafuckin substance as Jell-O
But, yer right about ya bein my boy...tell ya moms I said hello
So ya make more than minimum wage now...did Hollister promote you to janitor?
And ya lied about havin a Beemer, what's your real whip, a fuckin Rambler?
Yeah ya flows just like NASCAR 'cept your verse made a sharp right turn
now listen and ya might learn somethin from a dude that can sunburn
"white trash, trailer park, burnin crosses"...bitch, quit yer gabbin'
Go create ya self a dark ride name it "The Legend of Uncle Tom's Cabin"
y'all throwin down the race card like it's gonna make us equal
cept the most important thing in your life is a fucking video game sequel
And your kitchen, I guess ya talkin bout the food line at the shelter
are they feedin ya the gourmet shit now? like Hamburger Helper?
for you a trailer would be like an upgrade all sleek and all smooth
sorta like the place you crashin at, cept with walls and a roof
ya seem ta like you da strap ons too, now that's muthafuckin scary
but, whaddya expect from a kid who's from the land of Drew Carey?
ya lines sound like ya stole em from Nick jr they so wrong
so face it yo, in-versed, you just been out-versed by K0NG -
Kumba Offline
Just liked K0NG's a little better then inVersed tho he had a great closer. Just the red-neck stuff does not exactly work vs someone living on the westcoast. Not that K0NG is a better rapper, his flow is a little weak, but I like his humor. -
K0NG Offline
Actually...mine has a pretty good flow. I rap out loud to a beat track right before I post to make sure it does. I mean, I have to rush and cram a few words together occasionally but it all works out. Guess it just doesn't always come across the way the writer intends it as you're reading it. -
Luketh Offline
The race card/video game sequal lines won it over for me. That was... phresh?Edited by Luketh, 16 November 2009 - 06:30 PM.
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