Blaze Battle / rk_ vs K0NG
02-November 09
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on for two days. Most votes after then wins, or if it is even it will be a tie.
Also remember:
- No posting until both battles are posted. Feedback can wait till after both are up and if it is posted before then it will be deleted.
- Battles must be between 15-20 lines long. No more, no less.
- Voting will start once both battles are posted.
Good luck. -
rK_ Offline
should have posted ya verse first homie, im one of 2 you dont want to flow after
im a have to ask you to please place your terrible rhymes in the care of carls jr, your an unfit rapper
you catching a vote? that Wish would make terminally ill children bust out with laughter
since i got you more weak in the knees then christopher reeves the day after
i already have seen your verse, more filler then a dentist the day after halloween
the closest your coming to a well lit bar is in your car flickin ya high beams
"i could do a re-creation of DL that no one could ever touch", this boys got some silly little dreams
i should pop this dude 2 xanex so when im done he wont remember these things
ill be quoting Evil when your verse is posted like "looks quite ugly to me"
your an old man ridin a vespa rockin a gut bigger then the ego of jay-z
i got a free game, this lame fuck still cant play with the kid
his styles still Jackson 5, i got plenty of years before he plays with the kids
man this battle is so lop sided its like the whip when your moms driving
my flow can catch rep outside a website, your family right now, they inside admiring
im no helldiver pilot, but i'd say this oversized ape is no longer a threat
your 1st battle was a loss so brutal they made the record state 0-2 instead
Edited by rK_, 04 November 2009 - 10:19 PM.
K0NG Offline
The only thing that had me weak in my knees was ya girl Bee
when she was sittin on my Harley suckin the jizz outta me
No helldiver pilot? fuck, you ain't much of a mc either
ya verse sounds like preschool shit written by Wally or the Beaver.
get a Midol from ya girl ya sound like ya sufferin sum manstration
If rappin's your job your family must be livin off Ken L Ration
da crunk docta's inna house and he's pronouncing your flow deceased
man, people just readin your wack lines are gettin queef greased
your style of weak shit must be acceptable down in the N.O.
out here in the real LA you'd just be shoutin' Don't tase me bro!
ya musta wrote your verse just after ya did a wake and bake
and now ya losin to da ape don't even try to assimilate
it's funny how ya name is ant read what the label says
I'm Raid muthafucka, straight up I kill bugs DEAD.
JDP Offline
^His punches are written too long for me, causing me to lose interest in his rhymes.
-JDP -
Fisch Offline
^His punches are written too long for me, causing me to lose interest in his rhymes.
That's exactly what I think! Longer line doesn't equal good line. These are still good though! -
K0NG Offline
ehhh...I might lose this round....although not by much, but I'm content with what I threw out considering I've never actually tried to do this before. Found out it's a little different to come up with a set amount of lines compared to just tossing out some rhymes at someone in the moment.
I'm just a little bit worried for whoever I get next.....the hymen's broke and I'm sure I'll have more ammo for the rest of you.
BTW.....I'm just happy to bring laughter to at least 10 terminally ill children.
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