Blaze Battle / SSSammy vs Dark_Horse
29-October 09
Kumba Offline
Please post your battles here. After both are posted a poll will be added and they will be voted on for two days. Most votes after then wins, or if it is even it will be a tie.
Good luck. -
Dark_Horse Offline
Yo Sammy, you arrogant Brit.
Lemme show you how Americans spit.
You take a word, and find its rhyme
then stick at the end of the next line.
Listen to the way my words flow,
Don't even try to start a bloody row.
Yo Sammy, why you even tryin to battle?
This game ain't even part of your style
Next time, wait til your an adult.
Even though that may take awhile.
Yo Sam, where is your blaze?
I've felt more heat from ballets.
But I guess you would know that
from all those times you did tap.
Be a man next time, and come up with a rap.Edited by Dark_Horse, 31 October 2009 - 12:14 PM.
SSSammy Offline
Too long. The limit is 20 lines. Please edit it on when you have trimmed it.
dark horse? isnt that mean to mean youre wise?
look it up, man, cause at the moment youre fit to despise
with all your hormones and your chemical imballances,
afew more comments like that and im afraid your out of chances
so, as a horse, your job is to pull gypsies round, right?
some of the shit they give them mules can send you higher than a kite,
but you kid, ohh, youre still depressing
every five or so minuites youre lerning a new lesson
youre odd, i mean, who else would act the innocent to escape embarrasment,
we quite afew, but you know, SHIT HAPPENS KID
so pick up that upsetting socail status
id thought youd come back good after that hiatus
but nah kid youre just the same
i cant really think of a ryhme except for "lame"
but you know, kids, fuck it, it fits
were allowed to swear cause i know horse wont have kids
apart from that wee problem with his little buddy
none of the girls in his town want to feel like theyre humping chuddy
man, this is getting long but theres so much stuff to go off,
so im gonna end this theng and say that horse got blown off ... by his mum.
hopefull this is acceptable kumba, sorry about that man.
its just as bad though.Edited by SSSammy, 31 October 2009 - 02:04 PM.
Kumba Offline
Not really impressed by either. Went his SSSammy, but it was very close. Just thought he was a tiny bit better, looks like he put more into his too. -
SSSammy Offline
well dayyym. i spent like 10 mins on it, i thought that would be evident in the quality
sorry i couldnt do a decent one dark_whore
EDIT: i dont mind who loses, both our raps are pretty fail -
Lowenaldo Offline
im going to agree with kumba, neither were very empressive, im going with sam's though, mostly because of his 3rd line. -
Dark_Horse Offline
It's cool, bro. It's all for fun here, I think. But yeah neither one of us had anything real impressive. You had some good stuff, but some of I was just like "What the fuck? That doesn't make sense or even flow."
EDIT: BTW, next time look up what a dark horse actually is. It has nothing to do with being wise.Edited by Dark_Horse, 31 October 2009 - 09:05 PM.
K0NG Offline
Agreed...both were pretty weak but SSSammy's ending with "by his mum" again made me want to go rent " A Clockwork Orange" so, I went with DH. -
K0NG Offline
It was SSSammy's weakness and not your prowess that got you the vote, DH. Besides...I ain't a hater. But, ya best step up ya game if ya want any more votes from me.
Edit: actually, it was a pity-fuck.....I saw SSSammy runnin away with the vote and figured he didn't deserve to have that big a margin.Edited by K0NG, 31 October 2009 - 06:50 PM.
Dark_Horse Offline
I don't TAKE pity votes. No need to feel sorry for me, I sure as hell dont. Take one vote away from my name cause I don't want that vote from K0NGEdited by Dark_Horse, 31 October 2009 - 08:21 PM.
Jaguar Offline
They were mediocre at best, I'm going to go with dh's because it flows better and sssammys considering that he tried ryming fits with kid. -
rK_ Offline
both needed help but SSSammy had a little more flow, thats the only thing, all punchlines were blaahhhh
step it up boys.
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