Music Forum / Vivid Illusion
16-October 09
Camcorder22 Offline
So I've been working on a solo project for a while, its somewhat heavy and somewhat atmospheric. Somewhere in between atmospheric sludge like Isis and Cult of Luna and Melodic Doom like Anathema and Daylight Dies. I finally have recorded some songs I'm somewhat proud of, although they aren't quite up to the standards I want yet. The first one is an into ish track, second an abridged version of a song for a contest/art show thing, the real version will be around 14 minutes. it is.
Vivid Illuson
Tell me what you think, I realize the drums suck and are out of time, but I will eventually have my friend who actually plays drums and knows what hes doing do the drum parts. Mostly I'm concerned about the volume of the drums. -
rK_ Offline
its nice bro, im down to contribute, i make alot of hip hop beats but i can do whatever. i like the sound you got, you need alot mastering though, i can help/teach you, again, if your interested., take a listen if you got a minute, also i would like to sample Descen if you dont mind an you can hear some of my drum work on a track like this.
keep this moving, im liking it alot. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
I like the composition of Descen. You seem to know what you want to create and how to make it happen. Orchestration is good. But definitely spend some more time tuning your guitar. One of the strings is out of tune, and it is killing my ears. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Sure rk, I'll hit you up if I need any help. Yeah, mastering is one of the things about recording that has intimidated me as I have trouble with finding consistency with the sound on a single track, let alone a whole album. But I guess thats what happens when you experiment with different tones and forget to save them.
MA, that might be because I downtuned to B flat and the strings are really loose and therefore bend a little when played. I'm still trying to get the correct tuning down, its kind of complicated as some strings need to be tuned down farther and it depends where on the string when played. I've been thinking about temporarily restringing it with B as the lowest string. Seven string guitar is a bit too expensive for me though. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Mega bump but 6 years later and this is now a full band and I have two albums released.
Both albums are free to stream, and The Cyclical Nature is free to download. Not completely similar in style to bands like Deafheaven, Isis, Pallbearer, Slowdive, The Mars Volta, and This Will Destroy You.
Definitely thankful for the years I spent playing RCT, especially on this site, even if I don't have that much to show for myself in the end. Building, seeing what other people built, and receiving/giving criticism definitely gave me an eye for aesthetics that I'm sure few people my age had. It forced me to remove the filter that we all have when perceiving everyday objects such as buildings and landscapes and not to see them as one big object, but a composite of smaller objects and intricate details working together in harmony. Its really amazing how what I learned in RCT carried over to music when adding intricate details and producing to my tracks, and making sure these details work together properly. So as much as RCT is "Just a game" and shouldn't be stressed about, those hours we've all spent playing haven't been a waste because they have a permanent impact on our perception of the world and the art we create.
5dave Offline
Really liked Circumnavigation, I even put it in my 'favs of 2015' - playlist on Spotify!
Good work and always nice to see people on NE producing other art/music as well!
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