(Archive) Advertising District / My most ambitious project to date
08-October 09
Phatage Offline
I've finished a writeup explaining the thought process behind the ride's layout. It can be found here:
http://wikis.swarthm...vid_Writeup.pdf -
BelgianGuy Offline
I'd be so sweet to see you build this in a design setting and make a one time comeback... -
Phatage Offline
I went to Swarthmore College for my undergrad and right now I'm at Columbia for my masters. Thanks for the praise guys. -
Phatage Offline
So some of you may have seen some of this already, but it's pretty much complete as of now. Need a name for a gci coaster. -
tdub96 Offline
Damn dude, you weren't kidding when you said most ambitious project. Fantastic work phatage. -
Top Gun Offline
Awesome layout.
Name ideas: Bulldog, Blitz, Stampede, Outlaw, Gunslinger, Rouge, Gargantuan, Voodoo Chariot, Snowplow, Storm.
All I could come up with...You can put "The" in front of most of these, or you could use your city and do something like (insert city here) Bulldog. -
RCTCA Offline
Looks fantastic! What program did you make that in?
Name ideas: Eldorado, Desperado, Earthquake. (will post some more later) -
Phatage Offline
Thanks everybody, the coaster was designed entirely in Microsoft Excel and plotted in Matlab. I probably should have been more specific about names, I want something to really embody how a bird in flight twists through narrow obstacles, which is how I imagine GCIs. It's just been hard for me to come up with 1 or a couple of words to express all that, so if anybody has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.
I actually tried to do this first in RCT just to get an idea of the spacial placement and orientation of things; I feel like when one uses such a detail-specific design process like I'm using, one tends to lose track of the big picture and RCT is a pretty good way to keep it in mind. Below is just toying around with different things, but as you can probably guess, it would be difficult to recreate in RCT.
Phatage Offline
For anybody still a little confused about the layout, I think I found a poor-man's solution to the problem. In the youtube video below, you could either watch the rotation in video form or pause the video and use the play bar as a view slider.
http://www.youtube.c...h?v=4hcKijRNYng -
JDP Offline
Okay well I just recreated your design in game. a few things.
the first thing i dont like is the airtime hills after the first "wingover" element. they stand too high and that pulls the GCI vibe away from the design. after the airtime hills it leads into that high turn around that stands all by itself in the design. i wish you would have the design circle around that element one more time since it looks so bare. after the station pass through the ride becomes difficult to layout (the way you have it), but regardless of the turn out the coaster should have about an easy 30-40 mphs left after the last turn around element. so if you would stretch it out around that lonely element after the high airtimes, you should be okay.
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