(Archive) Advertising District / My most ambitious project to date
08-October 09
K0NG Offline
I'm guessing that the last pic there, when fully enlarged, is just about life-sized..... correct? BTW.....if you're interested, I have a full wood/paint shop in my garage and would be more than happy to work out some custom shells for the trains if needed. -
JDP Offline
Okay your obviously building a woodie that resembles the one on the front page. Good luck.
-JDP -
Nokia Offline
Confused as to why somebody who posts more in my topic than I do thinks that I'm the annoying one.
hahaha, i love you.
i was hoping this would a rct project -
RRP Offline
Its nice but isn't the scale a bit large?
Im assuming the first 'rct' screen you posted is the proposed layout which i think looks horrible.Since your building in such a large scale (which will allow the effects of gravity will be more realistic) why arent you building a more elaborate layout?
At the minute it will probably complete that run after the first hill in about 30 seconds -
Levis Offline
could be me. but it seems to me the scale isn't right. the weels are to large compared to the car. -
Phatage Offline
The layout was conceived unconstrained by the limits of RCT, and it happens to be a layout that is difficult to recreate in RCT, especially since it hasn't been created irl yet. I'm actually worried that it can even make it that far; the test track shown in the picture below has just been completed and will be used to determine the trains deceleration due to friction/drag, and then I will have a better idea of how much energy I can get out of a feasible building height. The inevitable imperfections in fabrication are going to cause this to have a big friction coefficient. -
Levis Offline
well determening the friction drag can be harder than you thing. the friction really differs from straigt pieces till corners. at least thats what I found out when I was experimenting with coastertrack.
also I believe the friction constant and drag constand aren't lineair (at least the friction isn't drag I'm not sure) so you will have to be extra carefull on that.
still it looks nice and I'm curious to see how it will work out (and how you calculate it) -
Phatage Offline
The friction coeff I'm obtaining is more of a ballpark estimate than anything else, as I can't account for all losses when the track is going to have the imperfections that it will have as a result of me building it. So whatever value I do end up getting will be beefed up to hopefully account for other losses, but in terms of things that will make velocity loss non-linear, well, drag shouldn't have too much of an impact on something this small and from the data I've gathered so far, the deceleration doesn't seem to varying too much with different intial velocities. Anyway... -
K0NG Offline
What are you using for the rails? It looks to be pretty pliable and I'd assume that it's also rather sturdy as well. Hard to guess since I can't tell if those are contacts from an arc welder or just clamps at the bottom of the pic.
Edit: after another look, I can see that they're clamps. -
Six Frags Offline
I sense a new NE accolade category
Very interesting phatage, nice to see you finally getting to build the actual ride!
SF -
Cena Offline
Wow, that looks very very very cool
I like to build rides with Knex, but seeing this, my things look horrible.
Very cool Phatage, how big is this gonna be (height, width, length?)
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