RCT Discussion / What ever happened to...?

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Hey, didn't Tracid release his unfinished solo somewhere? I can't find it anywhere, does anyone have it?

    I think I do.
    Attached File  tracid.zip (418.6KB)
    downloads: 109

    I hate how his talents never led to anything finished. Just a few H2H parks. Wasted talent #1 if you ask me.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Carl is online? Wtf!
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Haha I know :p He hasn't set foot here in ages!
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    Carl? Crap, I miss that guy! He taught me how to merge rides with map object manipulation. Good times.
  • Luketh%s's Photo
    Hey guys, some of you might remember Wolfman and his uh.. ugly.. departure from us back a few years ago.

    I got kinda curious about what was goin' on in his life since the last email I sent him (summer of 2011) went unanswered and I'd more or less forgotten about him until tonight. After a google search of his name I found out that he died in September of 2011. Just thought I'd let you guys know.

    Here's the article I found.

    R.I.P. Wolfman; an unlikely friend through a simple little game.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Sorry to hear that. Although he and I most certainly had our differences, at one time he was my best friend in the RCT community. I guess we kinda grew close because of our age and had many a good run-in with the kids (you know who you are) at RCTStop.

    I can't say that I've missed him since we couldn't stand each other at the end of our 'relationship', but I am sad to learn of his passing.

    R.I.P. Mutt-Pa
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I didn't like him but that's sad to hear.
  • ivo%s's Photo
    I am very sad to hear that. Not to long ago I was looking for his work. Feels so strange someone from this community passed away since most of us are very young.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    Lets face it though...the USA is still by far the most obese country in the world and everything is so far appart what else is there to do than eating ice cream on the ride to anywhere!
    Whereas in lovely Germany we really have it all...it won't take me more than 10 minutes to get to the next cathedral (unesco cultural heritage), the next place of the political so called Pirates Party, or the next whore house.
    Be jealous!

    Well, living in the boringest state in the country (Indiana), I have to disagree with you. The US has plenty of marvelous examples of architecture. There isn't a building in Germany more than 1,000 feet tall. I've seen things as mundane as office buildings larger than anything in Germany. Also, Kuwait is fatter, aswell as many developing countries.

    R.I.P. Wolfman; an unlikely friend through a simple little game.

    Sorry to hear that. I've always love his work, and though we've had disagreements, I am sad to hear of this.
  • GigaG%s's Photo

    Hey guys, some of you might remember Wolfman and his uh.. ugly.. departure from us back a few years ago.

    I got kinda curious about what was goin' on in his life since the last email I sent him (summer of 2011) went unanswered and I'd more or less forgotten about him until tonight. After a google search of his name I found out that he died in September of 2011. Just thought I'd let you guys know.

    Here's the article I found.

    R.I.P. Wolfman; an unlikely friend through a simple little game.

    R.I.P. Wolfman

    What did you mean by "ugly departure" a few years ago? I don't think that I was on NE at the time.
  • prodigy%s's Photo
    Very sad to hear.
    R.I.P. Wolfman
  • 5dave%s's Photo
    RIP Wolfman. He made a reply to FFF that really made me smile back in the days. link
    Sad to hear that. Cheers. Buddy!

  • Fisch%s's Photo
    RIP Wolfman!

    Well, living in the boringest state in the country (Indiana), I have to disagree with you. The US has plenty of marvelous examples of architecture. There isn't a building in Germany more than 1,000 feet tall. I've seen things as mundane as office buildings larger than anything in Germany. Also, Kuwait is fatter, aswell as many developing countries.

    Dude you wouldnt have gotten that was meant to be sarcastic if I had written it in the post would you?
    But as a response to what you said:

    - Indiana is not the most boring state in the country
    - Obviously the USA has great architecture. Where did I say the opposite?
    - still I wouldnt say that culturally the USA is gonna match any European country for ages. there's just so much history here so Germany would probably be a better place if you're just looking for marvellous architecture and historic sights. On the opposite the USA has such a diverse landscape whereas Germany is flat and boring besides the little part of the Alps that belongs to us
    - a 1000ft tall building is not exactly small! So what's the problem? Look at a picture of Frankfurt and youll see skyscrapers. But I give you that, there's not a lot of skyscrapers in Germany. Still Frankfurt has them and I dont understand since when a country is superior to the other due to the size of its office buildings.
    - Its actually a fact that the USA relative to its population is the most obese country in the world after 2 islands in the Pacific that have like 1000 inhabitants. Seeing as I wouldnt really count those, the USA is the most obese "country". Admittedly though, Germany comes right after the USA statistically.

    Anyway, I don't think your argumentation made a whole lot of sense here. Besides that as I said what I had posted was just meant to be a sarcastic statement anyway. So chill!
  • RRP%s's Photo
    What happened to MA and ed?
  • tdub96%s's Photo
    How 'bout Ripsaw and his Thorpe Park?
  • Airtime%s's Photo
    Funnily enough I'm pretty sure I saw Ripsaw post at towerstimes the other day and wondered why we havnt seen him about NE for a while.
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Midnight Aurora is still around, at least on facebook. I talk to him occasionally, but not as much as before. Maybe he'll come back around eventually!
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo

    What happened to MA and ed?

    I stopped posting as much when it stopped being fun to do so. I'll check in from time to time. Nice to have been missed, though.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    Glad to see you are still around here MA :)


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