RCT Discussion / What ever happened to...?

  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Yay split! Miss you buddy:]

    Also, whatever happened to Jaguarkid140?

    oh wait :batman:
  • Milo%s's Photo
    No Split, I have just been busy, very much in the same boat you have been. I will be home for a while and will take a peek at the project again over the holidays, however. Keep the PM conversation up though, I'll find the time some day... and probably sooner than 10 years ;).
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    Ahhw you guys.

    Forgot to say, I'm glad to see the site is still going strong! Love it that people don't just give up on playing this ancient computer game and lock up their creativity and visions even though they get on with their everyday life with education, work and relationships and other "real life stuff" haha, I suppose I can't count myself to that crowd lately though lol... I do get a lot of creative output made in school however, having a blast there really. I hope you're all doing good with whatever you're currently up to and with your health too of course! //sentimental rant

    Also, awesome that you still wanna do it Milo! Be sure to tell me right away when that day comes :)
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Anyone, tell me what happened to Midnight Aurora! :'(
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    I'd love to. But...then you'd have to 'disappear' too.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    he's busy filming dark night rises. it's hard being bruce wayne.
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Yeah, he's still around faceboob as far as i know. But probably hasn't been as active on NE because there hasn't been too much activity lately.
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Totally meant to say 'facebook', but I'm sure 'faceboob' is just as accurate.

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I wish all books were instantly replaced by boobs (definately not swapped). How much better studying would be... I hate books when I start reading, I hate books when (if) I finish them 30 hours later. I'd rather stare at feminine curves rather than letters.

    Clearly, I'm desperately seeking an excuse to not stare at Alan Bryman's "Social Research Methods". This time it's a random stream of consciousness at NE. Next time I'm probably cleaning up shit which should've happened months ago. I'm contaminated by the books annoyingness. I don't care if that's a word or not. Fuck it, I'm pressing 'Reply'. If you read all this: ignore
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    My most missed is TE, because he was a great builder (and in LL no less, which we need more of) and because no one has filled his sardonic shoes, and I doubt anyone will, at least not on his level.

    Also, I've been slowly looking through the dump-place for the past few days (more than a sixth through!), and while there are plenty of great screens from lost members, the member that stood out to me the most was Sure (with some weird accent over the "u"). He never released anything and showed only a few screens but they were so unique.
  • nin%s's Photo
    That's pretty much the most entertaining post we've had for a month or so now, Liam.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    Yay split! Miss you buddy:]

    Also, whatever happened to Jaguarkid140?

    oh wait :batman:

    I was never really gone, I just pop in and out of NE periodically taking breaks inbetween.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    Yeah...we know. If you note the timestamp, you'll see that it was the day after your 'retirement' topic. He was making a funny.
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    I think it's funny that Uden has the highest concentration of RCT talent in the world, assumably. Generic town with 35.000 inhabitants, among which Sulakke, ivo, Giel and Bacchus. Not entirely a coincidence, but still crazy.

    Uden. Of all places.

    A bunch of the best RCT talent attended USC (University of Southern California) back in the day, if I remember correctly. Corkscrewed, Coaster Ed, and Panic definitely all went there... Maybe Fatha as well? I can't quite recall.

  • Louis!%s's Photo
    What about a house that contains 3 people where 2 are talented RCT players? :p
  • K0NG%s's Photo

    A bunch of the best RCT talent attended USC (University of Southern California) back in the day, if I remember correctly. Corkscrewed, Coaster Ed, and Panic definitely all went there... Maybe Fatha as well? I can't quite recall.

    For the record, I also attended USC (Fight On!!). Not that I'm putting myself on the same level as the aforementioned people....just sayin'.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    What happened to Dr Dirt?
  • Brent%s's Photo
    Fatha was also at USC.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    I might go to USC, if they accept me. So, maybe RCT greatness is in my future? Probably. I'm great at most things.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    I went to NGC not exactly prolific with rct players


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