RCT Discussion / What ever happened to...?

  • robbie92%s's Photo
    Southern California itself is just a hotbed for RCT talent...

  • prodigy%s's Photo
    Mönchengladbach, too!
    DelLagos and me are from there...
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    Not so fast my friend, Ohio is pretty well represented around here if I remember right.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    I'm gonna have to agree with robbie here...
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    I've lived in Ohio as well so I agree with wheres_walto.

    Then again if you go by states lots of Germans should be from North Rhine Westphalia.

    - Lenny
    - DelLagos
    - Faceman
    - Prodigy
    - ...
    - me

    (by the way? Why is my flag always messed up? First it said I was in still in the USA then it said Switzerland for like a year and now England. I've never even been to England though!? Should say "GerMoneyyy" still)
  • prodigy%s's Photo
    ^ Turbin3 and Colorado-Fan, too, I think
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Shall we talk about this in a new topic?

    (typing a post now)
  • Ride6%s's Photo
    ^In standard fashion the USA wins by use of volume. I live in Michigan, attend the University of Michigan, and therefore hate all things Ohio except for the sovereign nations of Waffle House, Chick Fil A and Cedar Fair (King's Island and Cedar Point). Those poor lands are surrounded on all sides by a state that (in the immortal words of Stephen Colbert) makes people want to FLEE PLANET EARTH.


    All in good fun and humor of course, but seriously, driving through Ohio blows. It's enormous, boring, forces one to drive slowly, and in-between Michigan and something like 3/4 of anywhere I'd want to go without flying.

  • K0NG%s's Photo
    ^I have to agree with this assessment of Ohio. We occasionally have to trek through there because half of the wife's family is buried there. And, it's just as described above. Plus...where else on Earth do large bodies of water catch fire? I also believe that it's the fattest state in the US (which is saying a lot) probably due to the fact that the population there takes ice cream breaks instead of coffee. Ice cream for breakfast. Ice cream before and after dinner. Then, ice cream for dessert. The only saving grace is that you can get a half pound tub of ice cream for about a buck.
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    Ohio is 13th in obesity actually. Maybe the real reason to the high concentrations of RCT players is how miserable the city is, seeing as Forbes 2011 list of 20 has 8 California cities, 3 from Ohio, and 2 from Michigan, plus Miami and Chicago (both mentioned earlier).

  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    Hey, don't blame us prisoners for how shitty our prison is.
  • K0NG%s's Photo
    The CA cities listed there...#1 Stockton, #3 Merced, #4 Modesto, #5 Sacramento, #9 Vallejo, #17 Fresno and #18 Salinas are all hick towns located between the Los Angeles and San Francisco (Silcon Valley) areas and are populated by Ohioans that got lost while trying to migrate west because they were too stupid to decipher a fucking road map, got to the ocean, saw that it was too big to burn successfully and just settled where they were. I'm sure that they all simply realized that anywhere was better than Ohio and decided to stay. I'm just happy that none of the transplanted Ohioans have yet to set any of the numerous lakes in central CA ablaze. Ironically, driving from Southern to Northern CA is strikingly similar to a trip through Ohio...minus the ice cream.
  • RCTMASTA%s's Photo
    ^I lol'd.
    The sad thing is, just about everywhere I look there's a 300+ pound person tromping down the sidewalk; it's both saddening and disgusting that so many people could allow themselves to deteriorate into something like that. 8@
    I blame fast food. (Oh, and TGI Friday's :p )
    (And yes, I know somebody is going to say "What if some of them can't help themselves?" or something like that, and I'm just going to say right now that my above comments were not explicitly directed at the bulemic.)
  • chorkiel%s's Photo
    What ever happened to the meaning of this topic?
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    Wowww I didn't know these sort of stereotypes existed between states i thought it was the north-south divide. When you see these MAMMOTHS walking down the street its life choices and also to do with american culture of bigger is better, And the fact the you can nearly drive-thru everything i mean their is drive thru pharmacys drive thru wedding parlours probably drive thru shops also and thats just the un-obvious stuff. The reason why the USA is stereotyped as every person being overweight and dumb is because the shit we get to see about america on tv with for e.g This 2 tonne man needs to be moved by a crane from his bedroom on to the back of a flatbed truck that has specially built suspension just so he can get outside once in a while, And another example on youtube "genious blonde girl" who thinks that by having aircon outside it would stop global warming. I dont how many people on NE have seen man vs food its a good programme but it basically promotes eating to much, America is the only country that i know of that promotes excessive eating to win stuff its just crazy.

    I have been to america and know that its the opposite really i saw much more thin people than i did fat and more smart people than dumb, Just shows how powerful a stereotype can be
  • Super G%s's Photo
    I liked the people in West when I was there, San Fransisco is such a beautiful city.
  • Dr_Dude%s's Photo
    Hey, didn't Tracid release his unfinished solo somewhere? I can't find it anywhere, does anyone have it?
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    I'd call the ice cream wars a draw. Baskin Robbins was founded in southern California and Dreyer's (Edy's) also originated in California, but Pierre's is from Cleveland and Smith Dairy (Ruggles) is also an Ohio product.
  • Lucifer%s's Photo

    I'd like to see:

    RCT Flame
    I C Ded pplz (or however he spelled it)
    Dingo 65
    Rob Tonto
    Xcoaster (perhaps my favorite builder)

    to name a few.

    Your wish is my command.
  • Fisch%s's Photo
    All this hate against Ohio...come on now!!! Then again when I last entered the USA at the airport the guy at homeland security found it hard to believe me that I was coming all the way over from Europe and going on vacation in Ohio. Wasn't until I told him that I'll go on a roadtrip down to Florida with friends that he found my story believable.

    Lets face it though...the USA is still by far the most obese country in the world and everything is so far appart what else is there to do than eating ice cream on the ride to anywhere!
    Whereas in lovely Germany we really have it all...it won't take me more than 10 minutes to get to the next cathedral (unesco cultural heritage), the next place of the political so called Pirates Party, or the next whore house.
    Be jealous!



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