Music Forum / Music Dump Place
29-August 09
Camcorder22 Offline
Demise of Itylus
Maybe the flash player will decide to work at some point. We're working on a full album of 8 or so songs right now.
Art I've done for the band:
Please excuse me while remember out how to make pictures smaller... -
In:Cities Offline
chain reaction?
i'm not too fond of the logo though dude, i'm sorry.
when i think of a band logo, i typically like to think of something thats very easily recognizable and easy to associate with the band.
as for your music, its not bad, but definitely very slow paced.
i'm worried that you might run the risk of losing the crowd's interest with songs that slow paced, but hey, it is what it is.
not bad at all, just not really my taste.
if anyone wants to hear one of my band's new songs, check it out on our battle of the band page! http://www.battleoft.../astheskyawaits
we're releasing the other two songs along with a new layout tomorrow night at midnight:] -
Camcorder22 Offline
Metal logos do tend to be a bit illegible, at least the brutal death metal/grindcore sort. Although I suppose we're not exactly a death metal band. Anyway...first song is an intro, which I guess is why its a bit slow... but yeah, I do have a tendency to draw songs out so they end up being 8-9 minutes, something I need to work on. I guess not everyone likes hearing 4 minute guitar solos as much as I do haha. Anyway, you're from South Florida? Maybe I'll try to catch one of your shows eventually, I'll be at U of Miami this fall. -
In:Cities Offline
haha yeah man, we play down in Pompano and Fort Lauderdale fairly often.
actually, our next show we're playing is on August 5th at Rockettown in Pompano Beach.
its with some deathmetal bands, so even though we dont really fit the bill, i'm sure you might enjoy it.
if thats a bit early, we'll be down there in the fort lauderdale/miami area quite a bit in the fall and winter, so no worries dude.
theres lots of musicians in UM, so i'm sure you'll get hooked up with some good ones.
if you want, i can even keep an eye out for bands down there that might need members -
Camcorder22 Offline
Yeah...I'll be getting there the 17th of August. And I'll be a music major (Music Engineering/Technology) so I'm sure I'll meet the musicians haha. But still, I doubt there will be a whole lot that are into metal/hardcore, so keep me posted if there are any bands looking for guitarists. -
In:Cities Offline
eh, you never know dude.
miami has a bit of a metal and hardcore scene actually.
except most of them play their shows up where i am, in palm beach, because thats where the venues are at. -
BelgianGuy Offline
Yes my post was directed at you in:cities^^
hope it wasn't offensive in any matter :s -
BelgianGuy Offline
I hope its any help at all since I'm having trouble myself getting a solid note when singing quitly, its easier when you go all out in volume^^ -
inVersed Offline
Here's is the current song I have been working on... i'd say its a pretty big improvement in sound qualityAttached Files
Drift Away.mp3 (5.12MB)
downloads: 441
In:Cities Offline
wrote a new acoustic song today.
i like to think of it as Moving Mountains inspired, but only acoustic
its called clouds -
BelgianGuy Offline
^wow thats actually really good, I love the fact you really make the guitar sound as intimate as the atmosphere of the song suggested, kudos for that.
on a side note, how do you record your stuff since I never get any decent quality... -
In:Cities Offline
i use a MXL condenser mic hooked in to an M-Audio mobile pre usb interface that hooks into my laptop.
i use Protools M-Powered as my recording program, and then i just record.
for this song, i didnt really spend much time on mixing or 'fixing' up the performance. it was my intention to leave it a bit raw, so thats why the quality and timing isnt as good as it should be.
but thanks man! i'm really glad you like it:] -
SSSammy Offline
i just wish you'd do something more pure, as you have a shit tonne of talent. your style isn't really accessible to me cause it sounds too much like all the other stuff out there. i enjoyed it for what it was, but if this song was presented to me and it wasn't you, i probably wouldn't listen to it again. but you have fans and a band so obviously you know more than me, so just ignore me. -
SSSammy Offline
josh you are the only reason i go on myspace. the vocals are pretty good there, bro! thats a quality track right there.
Ride6, thanksive learned from that experience.
heres somethign i recorded the other day, just cause i had time, tell me what you think
did anyone even listen to this btw? -
In:Cities Offline
you're talking about my acoustic song Clouds right?
lol i didnt record it to be anything mindblowing. it was just some riffs that i had stuck in my head for days, mixed with some recent inspiration i had to write music.
i have some new music coming soon [just ask steve], that should be more accessible:] -
In:Cities Offline
just some random guitar jamming i did earlier today.
please excuse the sloppiness.
its my friends acoustic that i'm borrowing, so the harmonics arent as clear as they should be
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