(Archive) Advertising District / Marlin Gardens Thrill Park

  • prodigy%s's Photo
    Very nice project, the log flume is absolutely great!
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    That wooden coaster looks awesome, this is good enough for a silver.
  • 6000000flags%s's Photo
    This park is really good! My only gripe with it is that the suspended coaster looks like it doesn't have enough clearance for the cars in some parts, but I really can't tell from one angle of looking at it.
  • Marlin%s's Photo
    Once again, thanks everyone for the interest in my project. I think I've finally done all I'm going to do on this park for this release. So, it should be ready for download in a couple of days.

    inversed: I couldn't get your link to work but I've seen what you're talking about before. I do like the idea but I'm not sure if there would be enough room... and yes, the entire park is flat unfortunately. I started this park when my skills were very new and basic. Back then my focus was primarily park layout and good coaster layouts. My architecture and landscaping had not developed yet. Not really in my interest to change much of this park this late. However, I apreciate and agree with your comments.

    Thank you to all regarding the wooden coaster. I'm a fan of it as well. I tried out 2 previous designs but didn't feel that they fit the park right and didn't have near as good of a layout as this one.

    Once again, Thanks everyone for their interest. I'll try and have this ready within a few days.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo
    you should submit it to NE, this is good quality.
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    nah, i dont like it that people think they always have to submit everything for an accolade. this is nice man, submit it if you please, but you know. its not all about your name in green.
  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    nah, i dont like it that people think they always have to submit everything for an accolade. this is nice man, submit it if you please, but you know. its not all about your name in green.

    well, more people will download it, and it will have a write-up I like it, and most NE Staff like it when they have submissions.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Yeah, submissions keep the site alive. It gives the Admins something to put on the front page, which keeps people coming back to the site, which is the basis of any marketing strategy: To attract new customers and keep them coming back.

    God, Shammy, don't you know anything? :p
  • Marlin%s's Photo
    Ok, here's the last set of screens. I might have to enlist the help of one of you IF i can't get this exported properly, as i have had issues in the past. But til then, enjoy these:

    Ahh yes, the dive machine! This is actually an older design i had and just put in this park with a couple of minor adjustments
    Posted Image

    One of the first few coasters i built in the park. This one came together on its own. I was pleased with its outcome and layout.
    Posted Image

    And finally!! The second coaster I put in the park 2 years ago. This was my first "real" attempt at custom supporting a coaster.
    Posted Image

    Well, hopefully thats all the advertising I'll do and I release this thing. As for the previous comments about submitting this, I had thought about the idea awhile back but I'm not sure that this is what I want representing me for a submission. I think I might want to wait for that and try the next park, not completely sure just yet. But thank you for thinking its worthy to do so.
  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Those invert supports look really good. And so do the dive machine supports. The accelerator, not so much.

    But I like it. Looking forward to the download! :kumbasgreen:
  • Marlin%s's Photo
    Not really an update today but just informing that the park is ready for download (hopefully). I will post the download tomorrow in the "place to release your parks" forum, so keep an eye out... I'm just too busy/lazy to do it tonight.

    Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for their imput and interest in this. Of course, you're still welcome to comment here if you wish.
  • Splitvision%s's Photo
    Why don't you send it in for spotlight?
  • Hepta%s's Photo
    ^ he doesnt want to
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    submit this Marlin! Last update looks cool btw. I am really digging the invert
  • 6000000flags%s's Photo
    Please submit it! More people will see it if it's on the front page.
  • Marlin%s's Photo
    Ok ok ok... you win :idea: I'll give it a shot. Just one question, how do I go about submitting it??
  • Alpengeistfan1%s's Photo
    The dive machine looks awesome!

    - Sorry for the lateness, I was on vacation for a while.

    Edited by Alpengeistfan1, 15 August 2009 - 06:16 PM.

  • Marlin%s's Photo
    Thanks Alpengeistfan1. Better late than never! And to all, nevermind my last post, I found it.
  • Lowenaldo%s's Photo
    Best of luck marlin :D anyways, looking forward to seeing this one on the front page ;)
  • inVersed%s's Photo
    Glad you decided to submit this, i have a feeling it will win something, probably a silver.


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