Ask the Experts / Hack Like a 'WinHacker'
27-July 09
robbie92 Offline
Curtis: This is an amazingly simple way of doing this, and it actually works. I can't believe that I can overcome the obstacle that is my computer and actually do hacks like this, that actually work! Thanks! Now, if I can just figure out merging...
EDIT: A question for anyone really. I did the whole invisible entry thing, but now, the tile where the entrance hut is makes everything built there invisible, including scenery built after the hack. Is there a way I can fix this? -
Goliath123 Offline
You must of deleted the onject you placed underground or the one above. Thats what happens to me anyway. -
SSSammy Offline
First lower the land to where you want the exit and entrace to be:
now build the ride on that land and place the entrance and exit where you want them:
Go to 8cars trainer->misc->object manipulation and raise the ride:
now you can raise the land under it again (just with the land move, you dont need zero clearence or so)
now open the ride and connect the path and you will see it works:
This trick works with coaster also, but a coaster station can't be raised by the 8cars trainer in any way. it can be with the sob trainer, but that does screw something up. You can do it by Hex editing. I will try to find a way to do it without hex but dont know if that is going to work
im a little confused, because in one screen, the carousel has no base, and in one it does. can this tecnique be used to have a flat ride with no base, or am i dreaming? -
Levis Offline
uhm, no sorry. the screen was taken with invisble rides (so the platform is invisble) to show the land under it. -
FullMetal Offline
Great tututorials, guys! They're really helpful. Now I'd like to know how to a Thrill Lift. -
Levis Offline
when my comp is fixed and I have time I want to improve the hack. then I can make a tut of it.
misterthom Offline
1 quick question. If you change the stats with the SoB, will the guests enter based on the first stats or the ones you filled in manually? cause if so, you could make carroussels super exiting, or stuff like that. -
Cena Offline
Would it not be cool to find stuff like that out on your own? That is for me a part of the excitement of the game, trying new things out and being happy that things worked out how I wanted
But I think it will work(Not sure because I don't use SoB often)
panther33 Offline
Gee- I did the hex edit type hack.. And i sunk the huts, but i cant build any scenery over it? What did i do wrong? -
Goliath123 Offline
You must of deleted the support blocker. When i do that everything is invisible and you have to redo it. -
Cena Offline
Zero Clearence is on?
If so, and you get an error trapper, you build scenery above the FF limit, you need to do a trick to get it under it. Gee explains it pretty well. -
panther33 Offline
How can i use a normal tile? To replace the support blocker.. Since it goes underground anyway.. -
FullMetal Offline
Like using a piece of full-tile scenery like roof?
Lower the land that the support sits on (so that it is flat) and then place the piece of full tile scenery in the hole. The support should dissappear. Then raise the land back up. Just like with the support blocker.
At least, that's how it should work in theory. I haven't tried it yet.Edited by FullMetal, 15 September 2009 - 10:00 AM.
5dave Offline
Is there any chance to use the invisible hack twice on the same tile?
I did something wrong and after removing the null objects everything is visible again, and I can build on the tiles again (after I removed the ride also) but I can't make it invisible again...
Dunno if that was clear enough, but please help
"MFG" -
5dave Offline
^I can make paths, entrance and exit huts invisible again, but not the station of the ride itself and I dunno why...
"MFG" -
Fr3ak Offline
Also wird die Station einfach nicht unsichtbar, wenn du das "Unsichtbar-machen" auf sie anwendest?
Das ist merkwürdig.
Kann mir aber gerade echt nicht vorstellen woran es liegt.
Schonmal einen früheren Save probiert?
Ansonsten könntest du mir das Ganze auch zukommen lassen und ich werds probieren.
Oder du baust erstmal alles fertig und ich mach dir den Stationsabschnitt dann, wenn alles fertig ist unsichtbar. -
Levis Offline
you know you can always ask me for help.
I think its because you've got things above the station.
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