General Chat / I'm kind of new at New Element

  • Rct2ManGuy%s's Photo
    Hey guys, I;m kind of new at this website and I just wanted to know if there are any tips I need to know about. :nod:
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Well thats a bit of a vague question :)

    Depends what you mean.
    For general building tips just look at other parks. for more detailed tips on installing games, hacking and various other interesting asides check out the "ask The experts forum". there are several superb guides written by members.

    Anyway welcome to the community and I hope you enjoy the game/site.
  • Rct2ManGuy%s's Photo
    Thanks, one of the things I needed to know was how to get those hacks and stuff. I might be new to thiss site but, I'm not new to the game. I got Rct the second day it came out because I like Roller Coasters so much! :evil:
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Cool. always good to have another player around :)
    Do you play RCT 1 (LL) or RCT 2?

    either way the Ask The Experts is the place to be. Posix's superb LL guide will fill u in on LL while theres plenty of RCT2 hacking tutorials there too.
  • Rct2ManGuy%s's Photo
    I have Rct Deluxe, which has the two expansions and I have Rct2 regular. I used to have all three expansions but a virus infected the disk that all three were on, and I had to get a new one. But it was only regular Rct2. It's alright though because I'm now introduced into custom scenery. Which is very useful. :party:


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