H2H5 / [H2H5] Semifinals | Match 1
06-July 09
In:Cities Offline
two parks with each of them having a ride named shooting star lol.
they both look nice from the overview:]
i'll dl later and have a closer look.
great job both teams:D -
inVersed Offline
Whzz kids built what just might be the park of the year here. Might be biased considering this is something I had wanted to see for a long time and they executed better than i could imagine. I am still in the process of looking at the park but so far it is so much fun to see all the little details placed in each shop to make them look like their real life counter parts. Furthermore there were several very innovative things i had never seen before. Such as the operating shooting star ride, the method used for the parking garage, and the fully themed subway station. The list of details could go on.
Amazing parkEdited by inVersed, 06 July 2009 - 04:00 PM.
geewhzz Offline
Yeah I do find the coincidence funny that both parks have a Shooting Star ride aswell as Helipads and duel stations to boot. -
Gwazi Offline
as much as it would pain me to see Whzz Kids make it to the finals and potentially go undefeated lol, i'm going to have to vote for them here. that park was just epic. every store was perfectly done (ex. hollister) and everything was just so amazingly cool, if a bit chaotic at times.
Alpha Legends park surprised me as well. looking at the aerial i thought it looked a little sub-par, but if the Whzz Kids didn't have such an amazing park i would have voted for you guys. very nice work. -
chapelz Offline
while not my cup of tea to deny the shear quality and innovativeness of lenox is nothing short of ignorance. -
MF72 Offline
Hehe, for some reason the oversized "VS" made me laugh.
Looks like I would go for Whzz Kids here, but unfortunately, I can't find my disc. -
6000000flags Offline
Dang, i was going to do an indoor park!
And then you make an indoor park I cannot top.
I couldn't dream of making a park better than this park.
Legends had a great park aswell, the zipline was meh in my opinion but the flyer was very cool. Also, that is one of the best ships made in rct2. -
Buckeye Becky Offline
WOW...escalatorsshopping mall
somebody actually does have something to back up their talk...my record of voting for the whzzkids continues....so much to say here, I agree with gwazi though, a little chaotic but a happy chaos. Park made me smile...could have been a little bit more detailed on the backs of those buildings but thats just being plain ole picky.
Nice ideas in the Alpha park as well but unfortunately....you came up against the whzz kids -
geewhzz Offline
thanks Becky, hope you enjoyed the feminine stores our team included. we know how much women enjoy to shop.
i thought the alpha legends park had some solid potential. the fact that it was rushed shows. with the flyer being semi-incomplete on the support front and the woody missing a block on the brake run so it doesn't operate fully. there were some fantastic ideas here, like a round elevator on the white building, the swimmers, the boat rental, the ship, the small 'skate park' although it could have been expanded i think. the flyer layout was pretty decent, although could use some tightening up. it looks like you stole the egg-turn element over the road right out of calypso quay right down to the support type. it's okay though because the element and placement is just so good i don't mind seeing it again. i do like that the flyer was based on tatsu as it is one of my favorite coasters out there.
overall, nice job. -
Wanted Offline
Yeah umm Neblocity was fucking great. Not a whole fan of either park but it's obvious which park is better and deserves to win. I don't want to vote right now because I doubt it'll even make a difference. -
J K Offline
I'm actually shocked how good the WK's park was. The coaster was just the icing on the rct cake that I wanna give to the fat kid. Dam the supports and surroundings were just incredible. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Yay, somebody made my Micro Park bigger!And did a lot better job at it. Really beautiful stuff. Not a *huge* fan of the coaster (even though it looks really pretty), but everything else fits in just right. The working custom flats seem to be a staple of your parkmaking now, ____. I hope you'll keep up with stuff after H2H since it's some of the best stuff going now.
Todd Lee Offline
"As Seen On T.V." that rocks!!
and the Bath and Body Works facade comes across to near perfection. well done!
I couldn't get the al's park to work, kept saying i was missing AE-Swim.dat. (which is retarded, it's there, I guess it's corrupt for me.) -
Brent Offline
Vote goes to Whzz... based solely on the Hollister shopfront, which was spot-on, lol. Nah but the park as a whole was just so much better than the other one. I couldn't believe the wooden coaster with how the creator had it on block-brakes, which seriously stopped the train for what has to be a minute or so at the turnaround before it starts going again. Really? Really? I couldn't get over that, and how they didn't rename the Multi-Dimention coaster track to something else (HUGE pet-peeve). -
geewhzz Offline
Try replacing the one you have with the one included in the zip?I couldn't get the al's park to work, kept saying i was missing AE-Swim.dat. (which is retarded, it's there, I guess it's corrupt for me.)
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