Blaze Battle / Blaze Battle
26-June 09
Kumba Offline
Ok, you'll replace Dr_Dude. SSSammy is still in after we talked, but gets a DQ loss for week two. -
Luketh Offline
InVersed vs K0NG's the match of the week? I personally like K0NG's style...Edited by Luketh, 11 November 2009 - 03:36 PM.
inVersed Offline
I would like to point out if you add the second and third most votes after week two, you still don't have as many votes as I have received. Get on my level! haha
Fisch Offline
Okay, so I thought this from the first week on:
We should have something like a best line of the week poll! We should also do one for week 1 and week 2. -
Kumba Offline
Sorry Liam, I deleted it since it looked like spam. If you want to battle me we can have a bonus match at the end of the season -
Kumba Offline
Updated Standings:
1.) inVersed 2-1 - 62 votes
2.) Fisch 2-1 - 32 votes
3.) Kumba 2-1 - 30 votes
4.) rk_ 2-1 - 22 votes
5.) K0NG 1-1 - 21 votes
6.) JDP 0-3 - 22 votes
7.) FullMetal 0-1 - 4 votes
*Dark Horse 0-1 - 7 votes
* = Currently banned and it is unknown if he will remain in the contest.
As you'll notice SSSammy and Dr_Dude are out. I will try and contact Dark Horse and see if he wants to play after his ban is lifted, but till then we need a replacement. Not sure how we will balance the records, but likely some bye weeks for the guys who have gone 3x. It is a little messy, but I think we'll figure something out. -
Kumba Offline
Week 4 matches posted. Couple things you may notice is Fisch does not have an opponent and I added an extra day to the deadline. As soon as we get someone in they will face Fisch. Also the reason he might need to wait is that he was listed as last and against one of the most resent drop-outs. You guys also now have till Sunday night to post, figured that should help. -
Fisch Offline
No wonder we can't find a replacement.
People are scared because they have to go against me!
jk -
Fisch Offline
even better!!
Haha no just kidding. Dude you've got nothing to lose. First of all it's fun, second you can be creative, and what's can kick some German ass this round.I mean seriously, you don't have nothing to lose...I'm battling in a foreign language. Imagine battling someone in whatever foreign language you take at school. You can do it, dude!
Louis! Offline
Yeah but I don't know what to write. I'll see if I can think something up and then I'll say whether i'll join in or not. -
FullMetal Offline
If you're unsure of what to write, just say that the other person sucks. The 'ol "I'm better than you," is a good fall-back, I think. Just be creative about it.
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