Blaze Battle / Blaze Battle
26-June 09
inVersed Offline
Rules and Format
- 1 battle per week
- 7 Matches each
- Top 4 battlers move on based on their records (heads-up match is first tiebreaker, total votes is second)
- Playoffs is a final 4, 1 seed vs 4 seed and 2 vs 3
- Raps between 15-20 lines during the season and 20-25 in the playoffs/finals
- Raps must be posted during the first 5 days of the deadline (which is mostly for voting)
- Public vote on each match until the week ends (ties stay as ties)
- If a rapper does not post they are given a lose, must go up before the deadline
- No system to determine who needs to post their battle first, just post when your ready
Week 1
Kumba (W) vs rk_ (L)
inVersed (W) vs Fisch (L)
JDP (L) vs Dr Dude (W)
SSSammy (W) vs Dark_Horse (L)
Week 2
inVersed vs JDP
Kumba vs Fisch
SSSammy vs Dr Dude
rk_ vs K0NG
Week 3
SSSammy vs rk_
Fisch vs JDP
inVersed vs K0NG
Dr Dude vs Kumba
Week 4
Kumba vs K0NG
inVersed vs Dr Dude
rk_ vs JDP
SSSammy vs Fisch
Week 5
inVersed vs Kumba
JDP vs SSSammy
Dr Dude vs K0NG
Fisch vs rk_
Week 6
rk_ vs inVersed
Fisch vs Dr Dude
Dark_Horse vs JDP
Kumba vs SSSammy
Week 7
Dr Dude vs rk_
Kumba vs JDP
inVersed vs SSSammy
Dark_Horse vs Fisch
1 vs 4
2 vs 3
1 vs 4 winner vs 2 vs 3 winner
1. K0NG (In replaceing the banned for 1 month Dark_Horse)
4. -
inVersed Offline
Glad to see some interest in this. I checked a thread from the '04 blaze battle and saw that there were 16 participants, but since the enthusiasm is not nearly as high this time round i think 10-12 would be sufficient. So once we get a few more people i will try to get things going -
inVersed Offline
Hey, me and Dr. Dirt are two different people.
I should get my name changed.
my bad i was rushing when i first typed it. its been fixed. -
inVersed Offline
so, when we doing this?
Ok, I would have liked to have had more people for this but I guess six will do. I will send PMs to people who showed interest some time this week and see if i can get something started! -
Kumba Offline
Fuck waiting...
Kumba' in the house hailing from the MIA and I aint talkin paper planes
Im talking Miami where its all sunshine, Cubans and uncut cocaine
Had a rocky passed and last rapped when I was clinically insane
In the good old days I ran this place like NE's Saddam Hussein
If we ever get to individual match-ups your all gona get broken off
Rappin against me is more painful then when Edward Scissorhands jerks off
Winning at NE comes natural to me weather it be Micros, H2H4 or 3
I only mess with the best at NE weather it be Fatha, Ed, cBass, SA or Corky
inVersed, Nokia, JDP, Dr_Dude and nin gona take on the best and try to win right?
You all got about as much chance as Kevin_Enns winning a spotlight
Like Obama im winnin all the awards and will hit ya so fast you wont know what happened
Kumba's the Hurricane who made NE survive and your styles are as alive as Micheal Jackson -
robbie92 Offline
^Um... You didn't win H2H3...
Pretty good, and the spelling was quite nice. I liked the MIA line, and the part about Edward Scissorhands jacking off. Pretty creative, and better than I expected. -
inVersed Offline
Haha nice Kumbam, however I remember some of your older verses being better. I am sorry I have taken so long getting this started. I have just been so busy that I haven't had the will power to do this. Just give me a little while longer and I will get some more free time to play RCT more and start this up. That is unless someone else wants to go ahead and get this started. **looks at Kumba** -
rK_ Offline
im with kumba, lets do this, ROUND ONE!
its all sunshine, with 7k in post you aint seen the light in awhile
talk about RCT because REAL LIFE is clearly not your style
this fools too cocky an grips more wood then dudes who play hockey
even if this kid was a piece in a vertical drop he still couldnt block me
i remember back when then this was somthing yall discussed with iris during pillow talk
but hes not rubbing ya back no more so looks like you just one less cock
one less dude with a ego that gets swole up then abused
im a recycle this plastic replica an leave him for yall to reuse
like obama, fuck that, this little dudes all lies
hes got an adopted style, im old school, leave him with no family ties
amazingly out of place in rap like a Boxer in a MMA bought
your Hussein, ok, im the rope, let me know, anytime we can hang out -
rK_ Offline
get at me on aim if you want to get this goinEdited by rK_, 17 October 2009 - 01:48 PM.
inVersed Offline
Might not have time to lead this but i can at least do a quick verse...
Please, stop these weak rappers on this site before all is lost!
This is a blaze battle, so I'm burning Kumba like the holocaust
I probably shouldn't say that, but I'mma go head
With racist banter and this ain't even the black joke thread
rK_, my words are vicious, yours are barely ornery,
You should prolly honor me, you 9th wonder wanna be
Not on to me, hip hop is my life and the road that I pave
Your beats are so bad, they leave Dilla rolling in his grave
This has been brutal, and I'm sure it might seem major
Two grown men, just got eaten up by some teenager
But first, realize that this wasn't rehersed, your in a hearse
Cuz you've been cursed by that rap fein named inVersed
Yeah, not my normal style, but i guess blaze battling is about diss raps.
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