H2H5 / All forums open?
16-June 09
JDP Offline
Hey I don't know if you guys did this before, but I was thinking that we should make every teams forums and topics open to the community just so everyone can see how the teams parks progressed. I think it would be a good idea to close down all the teams topics (at the end of the season) and just let everyone explore and see how everything came about.
Anyone else think this is a good idea?
-JDPEdited by JDP, 16 June 2009 - 01:36 PM.
J K Offline
I'd have to delete a solo screen that I posted. Would be interesting however but I like how its secret. Thats what makes h2h so awesome. -
Casimir Offline
I think this should be decided by every team on it's own at the end. Those who want to should have the possibility. -
Kumba Offline
I like the forums just being for each team. Id keep um closed or change them to password protected so we could show people if we want them to see it and are not on the team. -
Liampie Offline
I think it would be much fun, if people get the opportunity to delete some things first. -
posix Offline
why?i think its a great idea
i don't see how this would do any good. else, i think it would only cause more bitchfights. -
Liampie Offline
It's like watching 'behind the scenes' bonusmaterial from a movie; pure fun. Also, you can learn from other people's building processes. -
K0NG Offline
LOL...I spit coffee when I read this. People have enough issues with me without seeing what I say behind their backs. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
i'm with posix on this, we have enough bickering as is, we don't need more reasons for people to argue...
FK -
RRP Offline
There should be no reason to bicker the season would be over.I think like liampie said i'd be great to see the extras and people building process.Just like revisiting advertising topics for parks released or never finished -
Louis! Offline
I dont think it's necessary. It's the team's secret what goes on behind the scenes and should be left as the team's secret. -
Levis Offline
and if it happens I just delete everything in it.
some things said in the teamforums can piss of some people very badly. and some things are just not to share with everyone.
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