RCT Discussion / Cool Screens

  • spartan%s's Photo

    What for a graphic card do you have? How many RAM? Which processor?
    I need some informations to answer your question. ;)

    Pentium 4 2.8GHz,1.5GB RAM, GeForce 8400 GS
    I'm sure it would run find but I remember it lagging, especially at night. That might have been my other computer though, I can't really remember
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    When you download in rct3 it doesn't give you the cs, you have to have it already, kinda dumb really
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Hm, the graphic card is a little bit weak.

    I guess it'll lag at night. ;)
  • Timothy Cross%s's Photo
    Here's my only real work in RCT3 and it's real ancient. Very little experience with the game and lack of custom scenery shows something here I kind of like, but is nothing compared to what people are doing these days. Really, I just like it 'cause I find it unique. Excuse the poor photography, was ignorant to RCT3 screen-taking at the time.

    Posted Image

    Dark ride I made. Indiana Jones type deal.

    Posted Image

    Was going to make a space themed park with the entire entrance area like a space port. Even had the parking lot interacting with the whole deal and elevated walk-ways which I think can look really cool in the game. I enjoyed working with the land as architecture and combining with scenery. Though It's not too logical or practical, this is a style I'm fond of. My latest work sorta is like this, but much more advanced and 'smart'.

    That's all I've really done, but I kinda like it. Hope those are "cool screens", even if very old.
  • Snow star%s's Photo
    I love that space port thing!
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    holy crap that looks so sick!


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