Ask the Experts / Scenario Editor Trainer
26-December 08
José Offline
Hey guys,
im new here and i wanted to ask if there is any Scenario Editor Trainer out there that actually works.
i mean a trainer which enables you to select all objects, themes and rides.. i already downloaded 2 of them and they just arent working.. they work partly until i push the button to go to the landscape editor, then it just deselects all the objects, themes and rides, that are too many..
greetz -
RCTNW Offline
Sorry Jose but this is a hard limit that can not be changed nor is there a trainer that will change it. It has been looked into many many times. You just have to be selective of the objects that you will actually use. -
José Offline
thats too bad... i hate spending sooo much time browsing all the items to find out whether i need them or not... thanks anyway
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