General Chat / Obama Elected President

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I think I might vote for Barr just because he was in the best movie ever, Borat :popcorn:

    Oh and Nancy Peloci (sp?) is during a great job running the US :lol: really I think the US ran by women atm... *runs away*
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    Honestly kumba, how much about politics do you really know.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    *shrug* I really don't care about politics, but am enjoying this 08 election... I mean it's an old dude and some Canadian chick vs. a "black" guy and another old dude. Oh and FIY to KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad just told me my great, great grandpa was from Canada, up near Minnesota :lol:
  • Casimir%s's Photo
    I, as a german fellow, think that you actually NEED someone like Obama.
    Get rid of that old Vietnam- and cold war- "weapons, patriotism and for Karl Rove's sake, no abortion"- crap.
    The world needs a new America
  • egg_head%s's Photo
    True words. The fucking bigottery the canadian chick preaches is just hilarious.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Fuck yeah man and lets make Karl Rove get an abortion and have it performed by Sarah Palin... btw when her other girl gets older (as in almost 18... whatever the legal age is over there in... sorta Canadaland/deadliest catch place!) it is my goal to knock her up :devil:
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    either way, we're fucked. end of story.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Don't worry man, I think we can trust Obama, McCain and/or Barr :)
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    no. we really can't.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    If you feel that way I can get you a raft to Cuba ;)
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    my friend told me a story of someone he met when he went to Miami who was from Cuba.

    the came over like a year ago on a piece of plywood. yes, 90 miles through the Gulf Stream and dangerous waters on a piece of plywood.

    if he wanted to get out that bad, i think you should pass on that offer, zo.
  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo
    Meh. There wasn't much chance that I'd vote for McCain to begin with (the GOP needs to sit out a term before we let them back into Washington after the Bush fiasco) but with Palin on the ticket, there's absolutely no chance.

    Let's face it: the odds of John McCain living long enough to complete his term are slim. Longevity does not run in his genes, and the stress of the Presidency would be lethal. So whoever his VP is, needs to be Presidential material.

    Palin is not. Evangelicals make me nervous. An evangelical in the Oval Office, in control of the worlds largest nuclear arsenal, is nightmarish.

    On the other hand, while I don't fully trust Barrack Obama (in that I don't trust politicians) I think it'd be a refreshing change. He's charismatic, and his platform is based on *hope*, rather than paranoia. I think that's something we desperately need.

    Granted, I don't necessarily agree with his economic policies, but neither candidate is a fiscal conservative, and I'd rather triple the national debt doing something useful at home rather than fighting a war.

    ... This reminds me. I must go register...

  • mattec222%s's Photo
    eh, obama's hope message is crap. If you look at his policies, they are a one way ticket to Socialism. + he and Palin really do have about the same amount of experiance, just on different fronts

    Comm. Organizer = school board or what ever she was before mayor

    State Senate = Mayor

    and in all acctuality US senate < state Gov.

    Govs. have to go abroad and around the country to try to bring in major jobs and to premote thier products, with Palin she had to deal with all of the oil, Natural gas, timber, and ore mining companies (domestic and abroad).

    Also, if you want to compare fiscal conservacies(sp?), than McCain has Obama beat, by alot because the US and Iraq have agreed to an approximate timetabe tied to preformance, which had a majority troop drawdown around 2010 or 2011 along with a special governmental preferance to American Oil Companies.

    I guess all I'm trying to say in this political rant is that Obama is highly overrated and that just because the world is enamored by his oratorical skills, he is still a political noob and shouldn't be given power over the most powerful country the world has seen or probably will ever see. :nod:

    Edited by mattec222, 06 September 2008 - 05:03 PM.

  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Obama '08!

    Obama, in my opinion, would do a much better job handling the economy than McCain (which is a major issue right now), although McCain would probably do better with foreign policy, considering his experience. But I do like Obama's negotiation approach. Blowing our enemies to bits and spending billions on useless wars doesn't solve anything. During the political forum at Saddleback Church (if anyone saw that), when McCain was asked what should be done about the evil in the world, he said, "Defeat it." If I were to follow this philosophy, then I should kill all Christians. But I don't follow that policy, and instead, I leave them alone and let them destroy themselves.

    McCain also has a pro-life policy. I don't have an anti-life policy, but if a women wants to get an abortion, she should be able to. My theory is: if we have the right to euthenize animals, and kill criminals, than people should be able to abort fetuses.

    We also need to get our troops out of the middle-east. We're losing money and men out there. It's time to bring them home.

    Those are my reasons for not picking McCain as the next president. Also, I'm a democrat. I would never vote republican.
  • mattec222%s's Photo
    "Defeat It" doesn't always mean use force you can defeat something with negotiations or with other countries working together on sanctions.

    Edited by mattec222, 06 September 2008 - 05:27 PM.

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    terrorism is already dead imo
  • ACEfanatic02%s's Photo

    eh, obama's hope message is crap. If you look at his policies, they are a one way ticket to Socialism. + he and Palin really do have about the same amount of experiance, just on different fronts

    Comm. Organizer = school board or what ever she was before mayor

    State Senate = Mayor

    and in all acctuality US senate < state Gov.

    Govs. have to go abroad and around the country to try to bring in major jobs and to premote thier products, with Palin she had to deal with all of the oil, Natural gas, timber, and ore mining companies (domestic and abroad).

    State Governor of Alaska. She's also knee-deep in corruption accusations -- not exactly the kind of experience you want for a VP.

    And frankly, it's not about experience. The fact that Palin is out of her fucking mind is a bit more of a pressing concern. (Anyone who believes Creationism should be taught in schools has taken leave of their senses and ergo is unfit to govern.)

    Also, if you want to compare fiscal conservacies(sp?), than McCain has Obama beat, by alot because the US and Iraq have agreed to an approximate timetabe tied to preformance, which had a majority troop drawdown around 2010 or 2011 along with a special governmental preferance to American Oil Companies.

    "Tied to performance." This is a political get-out-of-jail-free card. There's always been a withdraw plan "tied to performance" because the idiots in the DoD think this is a straightforward war.

    Anyone who fails to set a concrete date for withdrawl is simply procrastinating in the hopes that it goes away or becomes Someone Else's Problem. Meanwhile we drop more money and more lives into a battle that really doing nothing but giving fanatics an excuse to hate us.

    As far as oil goes: the war's already cost several times the worth of Iraq's oil fields. Not exactly a cost-effective bargain. (Yes, yes, we went in to depose of Saddam. Last I checked, the bastard's dead. And we're not going to get a stable government by propping up a puppet regime forever.)

  • spartan%s's Photo

    We also need to get our troops out of the middle-east. We're losing money and men out there. It's time to bring them home.

    Whether we should have gone to war or not, it doesn't matter. We did and we need to finish what we started. If we go over to the middle-east, destroy their cities, then just get out leaving their country ruined they will end up hating us even more. Most likely things will just go back to the way they were before and there would have been no point of us even being there. When we dropped the atom bomb on japan we stayed around after the war was over in order to help restore their country. Now look at our relationship with them, we have a very strong military alliance with them and economic cooperation. In schools in Japan they even teach that dropping the bomb was a good thing. Why not at least try to follow through in the mid-east and maybe end up with a similar relationship.

    Edited by spartan, 06 September 2008 - 07:26 PM.

  • Kumba%s's Photo

    In schools in Japan they even teach that us dropping the bomb was a good thing.

    Your from Japan?
  • spartan%s's Photo

    Your from Japan?

    whoops no. edited.


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